You Are All I Ever Wanted - The Miz

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I walked into the building for Monday Night RAW. I was super excited because I had a match against Maryse for the Divas title. I always wanted to be Divas Champion and could not stand that fact that some fake, gold-digging blonde held it. Maryse and I do not get along. Why do you ask? Well, it all started last year when I met Mike. Mike Mizanin. The Miz. He was super sweet, nice, and charming. He had the most amazing blue eyes I had ever seen and a personality you could not help but love. We became great friends and hung out all the time when SHE was not around. Whenever she was around, I never got to see Mike. It broke my heart. Mostly because I fell in love with him and was afraid to tell him because he was with her. Now we have to sneak around just to say 'hi' to each other and it kills me. I was almost to my locker room when my phone went off signaling a text. I looked at my phone and could not help but to smile.

"Meet me in my locker room when you get here." - Mike

I opened my locker room door and set my things down and changed into my attire. I walked into the bathroom and applied makeup and curled my hair. After making sure everything looked perfect, I walked into the main part of my locker room and grabbed my phone. As I was walking to Mike's locker room, my heart was racing and my palms were sweaty. I was about to knock when I heard yelling from inside.

"You can not tell me who to be friends with Maryse!" Mike yelled.

"OH yes I can! You are with me and I do not want you talking to Tia!" Maryse ranted.

"She is my friend and you can not stop me from seeing her!" Mike hissed.

"If you see her then we are through!" Maryse threatened.

Silence was all I heard next.

"Well..." Mike spoke. "I guess we are through then, now aren't we?" Mike said, not caring at all.

That made a smile come to my face. He chose me over her. Maryse started to go off in French before walking over to the door and storming out. She glared upon seeing me on the other side of the door.

"You are going to pay for this!" Maryse scowled.

"Looking forward to it." I smirked.

Maryse started to say something in French and I gave her, her hand motion and walked into Mike's locker room, leaving her speechless with her jaw dropped. After walking in, I closed the door and Mike looked over at me.

"Hey Tia." Mike said, looking at me. " much did you hear?" Mike asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Depends on how much you wanted me to hear." I giggled and walked over to the couch in his locker room and took a seat.

Mike walked over and sat next to me.

"So I guess you heard a lot, huh?" Mike chuckled as he put his arm on the back of the couch behind me.

"Not really." I lied and smiled, wanting him to tell me.

"Well, her and I are done." Mike sighed.

"Oh Mike...I am so sorry." I said as sympathetically as I could, even though I was ecstatic on the inside.

"Don't be. I was getting tired of her controlling who I could talk to anyway." Mike said, flashing that smile of his.

"She was pretty jealous when you talked to someone who was not her." I chuckled.

"Speaking of that..." Mike started. "Tia...How would y--." Mike got cut off by my name being called.

"I guess I have to get to my match now." I sighed, standing up and walking to the door.

"Wait!" Mike called and walked quickly over to me.

"Yes Mike?" I turned to look at him.

Next thing I knew, his lips were pressed to mine and he was kissing me softly. Fireworks were going off everywhere.

"Good luck out there." Mike said after pulling away.

"Thanks..." I said, dazed and confused by the kiss.

As I walked out and made my way to the curtain I could not help but to think why he did that. Once I got there, Maryse was already in the ring. My theme went off and I walked down the ramp slapping hands with my fans as Maryse glared at me. I jumped up on the apron and was about to do my poses when she came and grabbed my hair from behind, causing me to fall and hit my head on the mat. After making sure I was alright to compete, the ref rang the bell. I went at her with a few kicks to the stomach and backed her into the ropes. I started to give her a few gut checks before the ref called me off. She then took control of the match and had it for most of the match. She was about to do her finisher on me until I countered with my own finisher. I went for the pin and got the 3 count. The ref raised my hand in victory and handed me my Divas title. I looked at it with tears of pure joy and happiness running down my cheeks. After doing a few poses on the ropes, I went over to her as she was still lying down trying to recover.

"Me with me again and see what happens!" I spat in her face, then exited the ring.

I walked up the ramp with my new title on my shoulder as I waved to all my fans. Once I got backstage, everyone was there to congratulate me on my victory. I thanked them all, then made my way to my locker room. As I walked in, I was instantly grabbed and felt a kiss on the back of my neck.

"Mike! You scared me!" I said, playfully hitting his arm that was around me.

"Sorry." Mike chuckled. "I wanted to surprise you." He said, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder.

I sighed and leaned into his touch more.

"Mike?" I asked, still wondering about that kiss earlier.

"Hmmm..." Mike said, leaving small kisses on my shoulder.

"When you kissed me...What was that for?" I asked, biting my lip.

"I was going to tell you before your match..." Mike paused. "I really like you and I want you to be with me." He finished.

I could not believe what he said. He wanted me to be his?! I was so happy that he finally said something.

"Mike..."I said hushed.

"What is it?" Mike asked. "You do not feel the same way, do you?" Mike frowned, upset.

"Of course I feel the same way!" I said, turning in his arms. "I have been waiting for you to get rid of her so I could tell you!" I blushed, a few tears falling.

Mike took his thumbs and wiped my tears away.

"Well, now she is gone and we can be together." Mike whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Finally!" I whispered and rubbed my nose against his.

"You are all I ever wanted." Mike said before leaning in and pressing his lips to mine in a much more passionate kiss.

His hands fell from my face to my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him as close to me as I could. He ran his hands down my thighs and lifted me up so I could wrap my legs around him. He walked over and sat on the couch in my locker room, never breaking the kiss once. He ran his hands up and down my back as I ran my hands through his hair. He started to trail kisses from my lips, making his way to my neck. I was gently tugging his hair as he was nipping at the skin on my neck. He went for my sensitive spot and I muffled a moan into his shoulder. He made his way to my lips and started to play with the shorts of my attire.

"" I said between kisses.

I felt Mike smirk into the kiss and he started to slow the kiss down. We pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other, breathing heavily. Once we were calm enough, we got our things and made our way to the hotel to finish what we had started.

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