Wade's Angel - Wade Barrett

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I was in my locker room getting ready for my match. I was going against Alicia for the divas title. I was already in my attire and I was applying the last of my makeup. Taking a step back, I admired myself in the mirror. Smiling at myself, I walked out into the main part of my locker room. When I got there, I saw him. My boyfriend. Wade Barrett. He had his back to me and I quietly made my way over to him. When I got behind him, I draped my arms over his shoulders and started to run my nails across his chest.

"Hello love." Wade said, looking back up at me, his accent thick.

"Hehe. Hey babe." I giggled, kissing his cheek.

He has his hands running up and down my arms, giving me chills. I then walked around the couch, trailing my hand across Wade's right shoulder to his left. He looked at me as I climbed on his lap and ran my left hand through his hair. Wade had moved his hands to my waist and then began slowly running his hands up my sides, adding slight pressure. I got the chills as he made his way back down to my thighs. I leaned in and placed my lips on his, kissing him hard. Wade kissed back with just as much passion. We broke for air when my name was called over the intercom.

"NOW?!" I said, trying to catch my breath.

"Later." Wade winked with a smirk.

I got up and checked myself in the mirror and started to walk to the curtain, after kissing Wade once more. I walked to the curtain and saw Alicia already there. I glared at her as I waited. My theme hit and I walked out to a chorus of boo's. I got in the ring and did my poses and waited for Alicia to come out. Her theme hit and she walked down and peppy and slapped hands with fans. After getting in and doing her poses, the ref rang the bell. We locked up and Alicia tried to put me in a head lock. I countered and threw her into the ropes with a wicked clothesline. I started to kick her until the ref backed me off. We went back and forth, me having control most of the time. Alicia gained strength and went for her finisher when I countered her by giving her Wasteland, in honor of Wade. I went for the pin and got it. I was so happy. I just won the divas title. The ref handed it to me and I posed on the ropes. After I was done, I made my way back to my locker room. As I walked in, I was met with a hug. Wade picked me up and spun me around, kissing me everywhere.

"I knew you could do it, Lydia!" Wade smiled, just as excited as I was.

"So did I." I smiled.

Wade leaned in and gave me the most passionate kiss he could, his hands falling to my waist. I rested my hands on his shoulders as he pulled me closer to him. He started to trail kisses down my cheek, making his way to my neck. I buried my face in his chest and let out a moan once he hit my sensitive spot. Wade smirked and made his way back to my lips. After pulling away, we were both breathless.

"Go change and we will finish at the hotel." Wade smirked, breathing heavily, hands around my waist holding me close.

"I love that idea." I grinned.

Wade let go and I went to change. Once I was changed, we got our things and went back to the hotel to 'celebrate' my win and finish what we started at the arena.

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