450 Degrees of Love - Justin Gabriel

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  • Dedicated to Caitlin Fisher

It was early in the evening and I, Angelina Ebony Kiley, was sitting in my locker room getting ready for what we were told was a big night for all of us at FCW. We were told that some important people were going to be here, but we were not told what for. Oh..and yes, I said Kiley. I am Kevin's younger sister, but you all know him as Alex Riley. So I was sitting on the floor of my locker room stretching a bit before the show with my best friend Brooklyn.

"I wonder what is so important that we all have to be here for?" I mentioned as I grabbed my foot and started to stretch my leg muscles.

"I really do not know, but I was looking forward to having the night off." Brooklyn said, a bit disappointed.

"Right? I had things I wanted to do. I was going to see Justin." I frowned.

"Aw, I am sure you can see him tomorrow." Brooklyn said with a sympathetic look.

"No.." I frowned again. "..He is only in the next town for tonight. I was going to go spend time with him while I could." I said, tears brimming my eyes.

I stopped stretching to bring my hands to my face and wipe the tears away that were starting to spill over my eyelids. Brooklyn then came over and gave me a comforting hug.

"It will be alright...You will see him soon." She tried to calm me down.

"It has been almost a month since I last saw him and I was looking forward to it." My voice cracked as the tears started to spill from my eyes.

"How about you call him and see if that helps." She suggested, as she rubbed my back comfortingly.

"I already talked to him and told him I had to work..it was hard and I do not think I could do it again." I sniffled.

Just then there was a knock on the door. Brooklyn looked at me and I nodded.

"Come in." She called.

The door opened and in walked Kevin. He saw I was sitting with my face in my hands and walked over to me knowing exactly what was wrong.

"Ang...it is alright...You will see him soon." Kevin whispered as he tried to calm me down.

"No it will not!" I shouted. "I have not seen the man I love in a month and I do not think I can do it anymore!" I snapped and stood up.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he and Brooklyn looked at me confused.

"I am done!" I stated. "I can not do this anymore." I said, heading for the door.

"Wait!" Brooklyn called.

I turned to look at her as my hand was on the door.

"Think about this. You are the women's champ and you are going to throw it away from him?" She said, trying to convince me not to do anything.

"Yes. In a heartbeat. I love him too much to be away from him any longer." I sighed as I opened the door. I felt a hand on my arm, causing me to stop.

"Just go out there and have your match and take it from there." Kevin said, giving me a knowing look.

"Fine." I sighed. "But after tonight I am done." I said and headed to change into my gear.

I walked off to the changing area and left Kevin and Brooklyn alone.

"Do you think she knows?" Brooklyn said.

"She has no idea or she would not have made that decision so quickly." Kevin said, looking in the direction I went.

"Good. Lets just hope he can convince her to stay." Brooklyn sighed.

"He will, trust me." Kevin smirked as there was a knock on the door.

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