Viperess - Randy Orton

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I was in my locker room getting ready for Smackdown. I had just put my attire on and was fixing my hair and makeup. When I was done, I smiled at my reflection. I stepped back and frowned.

"Too bad Randy is not going to get to see you." I said sadly to myself.

Randy has been out for a few weeks with an injury and I only got to see him on days off. Which were rare. It had been two weeks since I saw him last and I missed him badly. Since he was gone, everyone thought they could hit on me. Luckily, Ted, Randy's good friend, was there for me. He and I were great friends from the start. He introduced me to Randy and the rest, well, is history. Randy and I have been dating for 2 years and a wonderful, happy 2 years it has been. As I walked out of the changing area into my locker, I sighed. I was in the divas battle royal for the title. I wanted to win so badly, and win for Randy since he could not be here. I sat on the couch and started to watch the show. As I was watching Daniel Bryan talk about his title, AGAIN my door opened. My eyes went wide at the thought of who it could be. I was shocked at who it was. As they walked through the door I was speechless. I got up and ran to them and hugged them tight.

"I missed you soooo much!" I cried into Randy's chest.

"I missed you too, Nalani!" Randy said, hugging me tightly.

"I thought you were out for a few more weeks?" I asked, confused, lifting my head to look at him.

"I got cleared to come back early and thought I would surprise you." Randy said, grinning at me.

"I am surprised alright." I giggled slightly.

Randy then pulled away and took my hand, leading me to the couch. He sat down and I sat next to him and he held me close to him as we watched the show. Soon it was time for the battle royal and I got up to leave.

"Got get that title shot." Randy smiled at me.

"Oh I will!" I grinned, leaning down to give Randy a quick kiss.

I walked off to the curtain and waited to go out. When I got there, all the divas were waiting. My theme was the 6th to hit and I walked out and sprinted to the ring. I got in and dominated all the divas. It came down to me and Alicia. We were glaring at each other as she came at me. I countered her and when she came back at me I hit her with an RKO. I went for the pin and got it. I was the number one contender for the title. Natalya was glaring at me from ringside and I motioned to my waist, where the title would be. I hopped out of the ring and made my way backstage. When I got there, Randy picked me up and spun me around.

"You did great!" He grinned, looking down at me.

"It was all for you!" I grinned, looking up at him.

He kissed the top of my head and held me close. The show was almost over and he went out for his segment. Let me tell you, he looked sexy out there. He dominated the segment. When he came back, we got our things and went to the hotel. When we got there, we changed for bed and climbed in.

"Tonight was the best!" I smiled, snuggling next to Randy.

"Yes it was. I got to see the one I love." Randy smiled down at me, pulling me close.

"I got to see the one I love too!" I smiled and leaned up, giving him a kiss.

"I love you." Randy said to me.

My heart was bursting.

"I love you too!" I beamed at him.

Randy gave me a quick kiss and I laid on his chest with his arms around me and went to sleep.

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