My One True Love - Alex Riley

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I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived.

I was sitting in my hotel after getting off the phone with my boyfriend of 6 months. He was everything to me and more. I loved him with all my heart, but being a WWE Diva made it hard for us to see each other. Over the past few months I have met some new and exciting people. One of those people being Alex Riley. He was an amazing person who understood what I was going through. He was there for me through everything even though we had known each other for such a short time. Over the past few weeks, I had started to feel different around him. Something that I had not felt in a long time. Whenever we were together, I would get nervous and my stomach would do flips. The last time I felt like that was the day I met my ex-boyfriend, James. He made me feel like I was the only person in the world until he found out 3 was going to be in the WWE. Everything changed after that. He stopped calling, talking, even wanting to be with me. So, finally, after 6 long months, we are over. I wish he would have told me sooner so I could have moved on.

That brings me to where I am now. I am sitting in my hotel all alone, trying to pick up the pieces of my heart that he had shattered into a million pieces. Taking a deep breath, I stood off the bed and walked over to my bag. Finding the perfect outfit, I then headed into the bathroom. After changing, I applied my makeup, then moved to my hair. Once everything was done and looked perfect, I made my way into my room. Looking in the mirror, I smirked at myself. As I grabbed my bag for the night, there was a knock on my door. Setting my bag down, I walked over to the door. Opening the door, I got those feelings that I had for the past few weeks. There stood Alex looking as adorable and sexy as ever.

"Hey Alex. What brings you here?" I asked as I opened the door for him to come in.

"Oh, I was wondering if you needed a ride to the arena?" Alex asked, a bit nervous as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Actually I do, thanks." I smiled.

I then got my nag and followed Alex out of the room. We made our way through the hotel, then to his car. After putting our things in the back, we got in and headed to the arena. Once there, we got our things and headed inside. I started to walk to the divas locker room when Alex stopped me.

"How about we share a locker room tonight?" Alex suggested.

"Sure." I said calmly, even though I was screaming on the inside.

I followed Alex to his locker room and when we got there he opened the door for me. We got in and set our bags down, then took a seat on the couch that was there. Alex sat down, rather close to me as he draped his arm over the back of the couch behind me. Turning to face him, I saw he was looking right at me. I looked into those crystal blue eyes of his and got lost. I must have been in a daze because I jumped when he spoke.

"Cori..." Alex started, his voice nervous.


"I know we have not known each other for long, but I need to tell you this..." Alex looked down nervously. "...I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" His voice was hopeful.

"Alex..." I started.

"I am too late, aren't I?" Alex sighed. "I knew I should have asked you sooner." His voice was full of defeat.

" are not too late." I spoke, causing Alex to look at me. "Actually you are just in time." I smiled.

"Really?" Alex smiled.

"Yes really..." I smiled as I blushed. "To be honest, I have liked you for a few weeks now, but..." I looked down.

"What?" Alex lifted my chin.

"I was with James and I did not think you would like me that way..." I sighed. " have been there for me through everything and I thought you would just want to be friends."

"I did all that because I truly care for you. I did not like seeing you hurt and wanted to do everything I could to make you happy." Alex confessed. "My feelings for you started from the moment I met you. You were kind, sweet, caring..not to mention beautiful."

"Alex..." I blushed, looking down.

"Cori..." Alex lifted my chin so I was looking into his crystal blue eyes once again. "Would you do me the honor and be my girlfriend?" Alex asked with so much compassion.

"Alex...I would love to!" I beamed.

Alex then leaned in as I did and our lips met each other. Alex moved his hands so they were cupping my face as I laid my hands on his. The kiss started to deepen as Alex slid his hands down to my back, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing our bodies together. He moved from my lips, laying his forehead against mine as we both were trying to catch our breath.

"I have been waiting for months to do that." Alex whispered.

"So have I." I breathed.

Alex leaned in, pecking my lips once more as his hands moved to my waist. I kept my hands around his neck as I ran one through his hair. Shortly after that, the show started. We both sat there watching the show, only moving when it was time for our matches. After the show was over we got our things, then went back to the hotel.

"Stay with me tonight?" I asked Alex.

"Of course." Alex grinned.

We laced our fingers together and made our way to my room. Once there, we dropped our bags. Alex came behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing the back of my neck. I laid my head against his shoulder as I leaned into his touch. He started to run his fingers over my stomach as he was walking us over to the bed. Turning in his arms, I placed my lips on his. Alex then picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. The kiss started to heat up as he was running his hands up and down my thighs. He started making his way to my neck, gently kissing and nipping as he went. I arched my back, pressing my body against his. I let out a moan once he hit my sensitive spot. Smirking against my skin, he laid me down on the bed as he hovered over me. Our eyes locked on each other as we both smiled. Alex leaned down, capturing my lips once more. He ran his hand up my thighs as he played with the bottom of the dress I had on. I nodded into the kiss as he lifted my dress over my head. Once that was off, I started playing with the bottom of his shirt. He broke the kiss long enough for that to come off. Once that was off, he grabbed the blankets, then the rest of what we had on had come off.

That was the night that I found the one who truly cared and loved me for who I was. That was the night I would never forget. The night that I found my one true love and soul mate. I just knew we would be together forever.

~1 Year Later~

After the first night, Alex and I got together, we were inseparable. We were with each other every day and our love grew stronger each day. Alex and I could not have been happier. I am the current divas champion and Alex holds the Intercontinental title. After he won his title, he asked me something I was not expecting. You guessed it...I am going to be the future Mrs. Kevin Kiley and I could not be any happier with my life. 

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