Chapter 7

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yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy it's up! tell me what you think!

btw, I have this story all thought out, and it is going to get pretty interesting... BUT, if you do not like sad endings don't continue. Just saying.

(Megan's POV)

The rest of the day was just any old day at the waterpark. The only interesting thing that caught my eye was that Alex and his gang kept walking by, causing Charlotte to fold her arms and narrow her eyes, which didn't surprise me.

I was actually beginning to wonder if he really did cause some permanent damage to her- but I decide that it was best if she worked it out for herself before she told us anything.

I was missing the light in her eyes though; it seemed to always be completely missing.

-The best I could do is give her a sympathetic smile if she happened to glance over at me, even though I knew she thought I didn't understand, which, by the way, I did.

My thoughts explored the depths of my mind as we sat on the sand, watching the sunset. It was then that I looked over at my friends faces. They were all staring intently at the descending sun, obviously engrossed in their own thoughts.

And, like I do sometimes, If I appreciate a moment in time I tend to get all intellectual and shit.

And I want to describe the scene exactly.

My friends were all seated, hugging their knees, with an orange glow on their face from the summer Michigan sunset.

Katie's light brown hair and green eyes were sparkling, Maddie's dark brown hair and hazel eyes were shining, Charlotte's dark brown hair and brown eyes were lit up, Mery's brown hair and brown eyes were content.

Right then, as i examined my friend's facial features for some reason, I realized that I'm really lucky to have them around.

Plus, the sunset was making the evironment all too relaxing and wonderful.

I was beginning to feel like I was smoking weed or something; because I was entirely lost in my own world, feeling floaty and happy, like everything was all right.

And somehow, through it all, I knew that I would meet my dad in a gracious way, wherever he was. I knew my mom would get over losing me to him- and we would live happily ever after- sort of.

I heard rustling, and it startled me, making me jump and the others awake from their dreamy la la lands. "We should probably get going," Mery said, yawning. "It's getting late."

I stood up and smacked the sand off my legs, and the others did the same and moped over to the car.

Maddie and I were the last ones to get going, and it was really awkward.

"I-is Charlie alright? She seems a bit- off, lately." Maddie said. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I know about her Alex stuff, but something's not right. Did he hit her?" She asked interestedly.

I shrugged my shoulders as we approached the car. "Something like that." I said.

The backseat was hot, but it smelled of summer night since the windows were open, and as soon as the car started moving, the breeze replaced the heat.

The atmosphere was so thick you could cut it with a knife, as we were all awkwardly staring around the car, and every so often getting glances through the rearview mirror from Mery.

The sun had completely set so the inside of the car was dark and cryptic from the moonlight.

"Let's do something. Talk.... anything. There's no music, it's kind of weird....." Charlotte trailed off.

Mery just sighed and pushed the button that turned on the radio. "Poker Face, ughh, shit no, um," Mery complained as she scanned the radio stations. It was actually kind of dissapointing that the only station we like was playing commercials, and all the others were playing total crap.

Mery just turned off the radio after about five minutes of going through all of the stations over and over, so the car returned to it's awkward state.

We endured this for fifteen minutes.

When we finally reached my house, Katie jumped out of the car and exclaimed, "Finally!"

"C'mon, shorty." Mery said, holding her arms out backwards to Maddie for a piggy back ride. Maddie grinned and jumped on Mery's back, who galloped up the driveway. I laughed as Mery was struggling to hold Maddie up, and she was calling out to me to get the keys because she dropped them.

I picked up the keys from the ground and ran over to her, unlocking the door and letting them in.

The cool, air-conditiony, hotely smell of my house hit my face as we entered. I flicked on the bright light of my kitchen.

Everyone squinted or covered their eyes, and plopped themselves in various places in my house. Charlotte's cellphone started ringing, and she glanced down at it, then gasped and set it down.

"Shut the fuck up!" She shouted, making everyone silence and look at her. "What is it, Charles?" Maddie asked.

"It's Alex! Oh no, what do I do, what do I do?" she panicked.

"Just answer it!" I said.

She looked at me like I was nuts, but then ended up answering it after a few more rings. She cleared her throat. "H-hello?" Her voice cracked.

"Put it on speaker!" Katie mouthed. She nodded and set it on the counter, for all to hear. "Baby, do you think I'm a fucking moron? That I didn't see you there today? Huh?!" Alex shouted into the phone. I could practically see Charlotte's defenses rise. "No! D-don't, don't call me baby." She said, clearly the cry was building up in her throat.

"Oh, shut up. Baby, kiss me through the phone. Wanna have a good fuck tonight?"

I noticed he was slurring, but something wasn't right. It definately wasn't an alcohol speech slur. "Alex. A-are you high aga-again?" Charlotte whispered into the phone.

"Just leave me the fuck alone, Charlotte. There's no fucking way you can tell if I'm high or not." He screamed into the phone. She stuttered a bit, trying to find the right words, and keeping herself from breaking down.

Me, Mery, Maddie, and Katie all stood surrounding Charlotte and the counter, as we listened to her intense phone conversation with Alex.

Okay, I'm not trying to get involved, but how does this guy expect her to not know about his highs? He has junkie written all over his face. Plus, which is actually kind of funny, he is getting mad that she knows when he is slurring that definate hard-drug-high slur, and he has Nirvana blaring in the background. I mean, what does he want her to think?

"Hey, just listen to me. Please. What drug are you on, huh? Is it meth again?" She said worriedly into the phone.

Everyone gasped and I had had enough. I snatched the phone away from her and shouted into it's speaker. "YOU FUCKING STAY AWAY FROM MY FRIEND YOU, YOU, MONSTER! YOU'RE ON FUCKING METH? GIVE ME A BREAK!" Then pressed the "end call" button.

"Megan, why would you do that?" Charlotte said quietly. I was seething. "He's on METH? I'm sorry Charles, I don't support that and no offense, but that kind of explains a lot." I said with a hand on my hip.

Charlotte immediatly burst into tears, and then I felt bad. "I know!" She cried.

I glanced around the room at my friend's worried faces.

"I think you guys should practice without me and Charlotte for a little while, yeah? We've got some talking to do."

They just gave eachother wide-eyed stares then slowly made their way down the stairs. The sounds of guitar and voice and bass filled the air.

I sat there with Charlotte until she finally settled down a bit. "What am I gonna do, Meg?" She asked with fear lacing her voice.

I shook my head and whispered. "I don't know."

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