Chapter Sixteen: Emergency

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Chapter Sixteen [kyoya hibari x reader]


You are awaken by the sun's rays, kissing your skin. Fluttering your eyelids open, your gaze stopped at the clock's attractive design, noticing that it was already 7:48am.

Noticing the time, you jolted up and shook your head. "Agh. That Hibari, why didn't he wake me up?! Even though he knows that we're living in the same house? I better hurry if I still want to live, though" you stood up about to head straight to your bathroom, when the smell of steak invaded your nostrills. You sniffed, craving for a breakfast.

"Steak for breakfast? That's odd." You ran to your door, sticking your head out to smell more of it. "Hmm.... Is that Kusakabe who's cooking? How... LATE"

You ran quietly downstairs and peeked through the kitchen, seeing Hibari cooking steak. "Hibari?" he tilted his head on your direction, frowning "What?"

"What are you doing here on late morning?! Psh. I just thought that you are a so-not rule breaker, but you're already breaking a rule" You smirked at him.

He narrowed his eyes on you. "Rule? What rule?"

"What's happened to you? Are you sick? It's already 8:00. You're late, Kyoya" he smirked "Herbivore, I just thought you are smart."

"What do you mean?" Now it's your turn to narrow your eyes on him.

"It's Saturday. I don't remember having classes on Saturday" he smirked and turned around, turning off the stove and placing the cooked steak on the plate.

"Wh-what? Uhh-- Seriously?" you know that you don't need to look at your phone to see if Hibari is lying. When it's Hibari, It's Hibari. "Ohh..."

"Now eat, it's ready" he removed his apron and hang it on the doorknob. Does he even wear an apron? Then you plopped on the chair, excited to taste Hibari's steak.

You noticed that he didn't sit down with you so you turned around seeing him looking at you. "Aren't you going to eat with me?"
"You eat first"
"H-huh? Why?"
"I just insist that you go first"
"And I insist you eat with me" you stood up, grabbed his hand and pushed him on the chair opposite to yours. Yes, you pushed him. "Oops. Sorry! I guess that went hard" he only gave you a glare back.

[After Breakfast]

"Whew! That was good." You stood up and put your dish in the sink, then Hibari did the same.

Kringggg... Kringggg...

Your phone rang upstairs, getting yours and Hibari's attention. You stared upstairs for a while until it stopped. It ringed again after a few seconds.

"You should get it. It might be important" Hibari said, still staring.

"S-sure..." You stattered. You felt suspense as you started to go upstairs, looking back at the staring Hibari. You opened the door and approached your phone, noticing that it was Gokudera who's calling.

"H-hello?" you put the phone on your ear.

"(Name)-san, it's me, Tsuna." he said hurriedly.

"Oh. Y-yo."

"You and Hibari must go to the Namimori Shrine immediately. There's an e-emergency." he said worriedly.

Tooot, tooot, toot---

Then the line went off.


Was that too much for a suspense? Glad I updated today, it was kind of hardcore without internet. I was about to update last time when the computer I rented timed off, so I have to start all over again, but I don't have enough money == I miss you guuyyyyssss... By the way, I changed the name of my other acc. it's now e4erinnnn! Read my story, 'kay? (That is... After I updated) I'll try to update as soon as I can. TYs. -A



&FAN :3

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