Chapter six: fight me

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the next day came...

again. after 3 periods it was your recess...

you found some stairs heading upstairs. you tried to look at that path. your heart was beating fast and your nervous because nobody was going this path, you thought it was abandoned, and you were curious to look at it and find out where the stairs was heading.

you arrived at you destination, and you saw a door at the end of the stairs...

you opened the door, and then you saw it

"how come no one goes here... it's,.... it's so beautiful here..."

then you leaned at the fence and stare at the beautiful view.

then you heared the door creaked and then you turned around and saw a violent boy, him again.

Hibari Kyoya.

"eek! what are you doing here?!"

"hmph. I should be the one asking you that, what are you doing here, herbivore?"

"eh? I thought it was abandoned.. cause no one goes here."

"tch, this is my territory."

"oh. is that it? oh.. I see, that's why no one goes here... It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

"hmph, we're not done yet, herbivore." then he walked towards you.

"what? can't you still move on about yesterday?"


he smirked.

"you have high amounts of agility and strength."

"hm? and why is that?"

he then whacked you with his tonfa, and you had dodged it again.

"woah! wait! stop!"

"fight me."

"what?! no!"

then the shower of his deadly attacks was still attacking you and not stopping. ou jumped an dodge it, then you jumped over the fence then he aimed for your leg expecting to hit you but it didn't

he smirked until the end.

he was amazed in how you dodge his attacks without even losing balance.

"stop it! I'm getting tired!"

"you don't seem to be tired... and if you. get tired all you want."

you and Hibari continued your fight, you escaped by the door but he was still chasing you with his deadly attacks. while you were running downstairs you were jumping and dodging because he was attacking you continuously.

there was always a violent cling echoing through the stairway, Hibari hitting metals along the stairs.

"would you please stop!! eek!" Hibari almost hit you with his tonfa. you saw emptiness in Hibari's eyes, you knew that he was merciless.

he smirked.

"If you would like to survive, you should fight."

"no! I don't fight!"

then you and Hibari was still fighting until you and Hibari reached the hallway. you saw other students were panicking, others amazed, and others envying you...

girls were jealous about you and hibari. they thought why you were the one closest to hibari, why hibari had planted interest in you, and why you had caught his interest.

you heared someone called your name, and you know that you had heared that voice, and it was familiar... you turned to look around and you saw chiyo worried about you, then you shot her a do-not-worry look. then you forgot about hibari, and when you turned to face him, but it was too late. you'd been whacked by his tonfa.


then you almost flyed away because of his attack.

you held your face to see, if there's blood. but good thanks there's no blood flowing from your head.

then you saw him smirk.

"tch, you're lucky that you didn't fell unconcious on that lethal blow... hmph. I can't believe you survived... I can't see in you that you are an ordinary human... are you... more than that, herbivore?"

"are you stupid?! you almost killed me!!! you stupid freak!! ugh! hmph. and... what do you mean more than that? hm? you're right. I'm lucky to survive that LETHAL blow." you were still sitting on the ground while saying it hardly on him. you saw everybody was shocked in what you said to him, like you'd known him for many years

"hmph. stand up, herbivore."

"you freak! stand up? do you know what you're saying? pfftt.. you're being so cruel..." then you stood up as expected.

he frowned.

then he walked closer to you putting the metalic tonfa under your chin, then he smirked.

you thought he was going to kill you but he didn't he just did the unexpected thing.

"who are you?"


"I know I've said it clear enough to hear, didn't I?"

"hmph. sorry but you'll have to wait for that."

"hn? wait? what do you mean? hmph." he was pushing the tonfa on you chest.

"I know you know."

"If you waren't going to talk."

he smirked.

"follow me."

"eh? why?! I should be in class now!"


eh? now... do you like it? hiehie! hope you do... cause there's a lot more!! haha...

pls. vote and comment!!

it means a lot to me!! and plus! I'd be making a lot more story... I was working my imagination... and I'm making another story... and that is the story of my life... and it's a true story... hope you appreciate! :3

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