Chapter Twelve: The tour at Hibari's house

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hiya everyone! XD

this is my second update for this day! and I have 959 reads already, but needing more votes.. XDD lewl.. I'm hoping everyone would likeeee,.... so please vote and comment!!!!!!!! I'm hoping... I have faith in myself.. lawl.. haha.. okay... let's move on, because the most important thing is that everyone will enjoy the story..

thank you!


you headed straight on your dorm afterschool, and then you packed your bags and waited for kusakabe.


you heared someone knocking on your door, you thought that it might be kusakabe. you peeked into the door and you saw kusakabe waiting for you to go outside. you then grabbed your bag and went outside then told the owner of the dormitory that you're leaving.

"kusakabe!" you called out

"oh. hey (name)-chan..." he greeted then bowed. "let's go, hibari is waiting for you..."

"sure.. but hold on right there, I'll be right back.." then you smiled at kusakabe

he nodded, then you ran to the old lady(the owner of the dormitory)

"hi granma!!" you greeted.

"oh... Hi there (name)..." then the old lady smiled at you.

" here 's mu rent, granma!" then you handed her the money rent. "I gotta go granma, cause someone's waiting for me... I'll be living on another house, take care! and I'll try to visit you everyday granma.."

she nodded. "what a nice girl... okay, take care too. but what happend to your foot, dear?"

"nahh, just a little accident...bye granma!" then you waved goodbye at her, then she nodded and waved back.

you ran to kusakabe.

"kusakabe! let's go..." he was staring at you, while you were talking then he smiled.

"yes." he said.

----------- time skipped -------------

you and kusakabe arrived at your destination (at hibari's house). you saw hibari at the door.

"hibari-san!" you called out.

the said man turned around and saw you, kusakabe and you walked towards him then kusakabe bowed in front of hibari.

"boss." kusakabe said to hibari, signing that he had done what he is told to, then kusakabe left.

"follow me, herbivore." hibari ordered you.

you were always wondering why he always call you herbivore, you think it's funny so you were giggling behind him, while following him.

but you didn't notice that he turned around.

"what's funny?" he asked.

"huh? oh! nothing... I just remembered something..." you answered.

"we're here... here's your room."

"oh, okay.. thank you!" then you headed inside, then you sat beside the bed. "plain but comfortable!"

"hn." then you saw hibari left.

you closed the door then scanned into your cellphone. you were so bored, that you wanted to tour the house. you opened your door then looked around the house.

"what are you doing?" someone asked.

you turned around and saw Hibari.

"oh.. I got bored, I decided that touring the house is a good idea." you answered cheerfully.

"hn. come." hibari said while turning around.

you just followed him, and did what he says.

----------------- time skipped ------------------

you and hibari finished touring the house, and you enjoyed it.

"go to your room now. you should rest. does it stil hurts?" hibari asked.

"umm.. it feels more better now.. thank you hibari-san!" then you bowed at him then headed straight to your room.


so... do you like? XD I don't exactly know what hibari's inner house looked like so I skipped, I only know what the part on where hibari drinks tea, so... sorrieeee.. XD

pls. VOTE & COMMENT!!!

thank you!

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