Chapter Fourteen: Invitation to the Amusement Park!

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helow!! readers thaaaaaaaannnnnkkkkk you so much!!! I love you all!!! I really thank you for the votes!!! now I'm energized to make many more!!! geez.. seriously, if I got many votes the story will turn out long.. as in long!! LONG!! I promise, I'll extend it. ^^" this is for you ALL!!! love chuu!!! aisuki!!! ANYWAYS, ENJOY SO MUCH!! 


"ne~!, Hibari?" you called out his name while opening your room's door. you walk and look everywhere the house looking for hibari, hibari was nowhere to be found in the guest's room, so you headed straight to the kitchen to look for him. you peeked a little, then you saw him cooking, you smiled at his moves, then you went inside.

"hibari." you called out, waiting for him to turn arround, but he didn't.

"what?" he responded, continuing what he was doing.

"what are you cooking?" you asked.

"why do you need to know?" hibari asked back. you made your cheeks puffed then responded. "I just wanna ask."

"bento." he answered. "seriously?! yeay! bento!!! I love bento!!" you cheered. "make sure to make it delicious, hibari!" then you giggled, but then paused. Hibari paused on his tracks, too. something was really bothering him.


"Hibari! have some bento!! I brought you some!! and your hamburger!" (unknown name) said.

"no, thanks."

"oh come on! If you don't want, I'll eat this all.. and your favorite hamburger." then (unknown name) smirked. "now open your big mouth, kyoya!"

Hibari didn't amswer, he just ate the bento and the burger that (unknown name) gave him.

"yum!!! this is my mossssttt favorite bentoo!!! this made me favorite Bentous!" (unknown name) said.



"Hibari-san? you know. you've been like that ever since , I called you Hibari-kun. Is there a... problem?" you asked hibari belwildered.

"nothing. just... memories" then Hibari turned off the stove.

"eat" then he placed the bento in front of you.

"yum!!!! bon appetit!" you cheered happily. then you and hibari ate.  

----------------------time skipped-----------------  

after minutes of eating, you spoke up. "Hibari... do you have something to do today? are you going somewhere? or anything?" you asked continuously.

"no." hibari answered.

"yeay! can w-" you didn't even finished your sentence when hibari answered.

"no. stop requesting, herbivore." hibari said, not letting you speak.

"whaa~?!! you didn't even let me finish my sentence!!" you complained.

"hn. amusement park? am I right? hn. no. and shut up.. aren't you supposed to rest?" hibari said.

"how? how did you know, I would. ugh. how did you know?" you asked belwildered.

he smirked. "I saw this" then he waved a paper in front of you, he shaked it in front of you.

"oh give me that!" then you snatched the paper from his. "please go with me hibari!"

"you should rest." hibari answered ignoring what you said.

"hibari I'm ok... pleaaaaasssseeee... it's so boringg!! don't you want to relax and have fun?! just for today? please?" you begged, you intertwined both of your hands, signing for please.


"does it means yes?!" you said excitedly.


"yeay!!" you cheered then you ran to hibari then hugged him from the back.

"now, shut up okay. and stay away." then you chuckled.


lol. I'm excited.. XDDD wahahhaa... nyahahhaha!!! I tell you... the next chapter will start it all.. hahaa... well okay?. I'm turning out weird.. =_=" well... hmm.. that's all.... well thank you for the votes!!! I appreciate it!!! super!!! and for the comments too!!! ENJOY!!! PLS. VOTE AND COMMENT!!! LOVE CHUU~!!!

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