Chapter four: Chiyo Kagura

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wew... two reads eh? sorry guys, but I still haden't started the kyoya part... of course there should be a intro.. lewl... haha... sorry... but this chapter will start it all...


This early morning... you were dressed, and getting ready to school... you saw the clock... 5 minutes more and the school would start... 5 minutes is enough for you to run to school... but then you thought about your future... you remembered what you predict.

you were worried so you thought about it for long... your eye was scanning your room while you're thinking of it. then your eye caught a glance of the clock. it was 7:30 am.. and you knew that you were late. you panicked, and you run around to get your bag. you ran outside and locked your door. you left your eyeglasses. then you panicked some more. you opened the door again and get your glasses, then you ran outside and locked the door...

you were running so fast that you almost tripped... but you still run so fast, then you went past ryohei...

"GO! RUN TO THE EXTREME!!!" then you turned back while running and you saw him raise his fist in the air. then you turned infront of you again then laughed.

you reached the gate of Namimori middle in 5 minutes long. you were out of breath and you were still catching your breath in front of the gate. then you stood up straight.

"ready to go to school." then you start to walk, but someone grabbed your collar. "ouch!"

"where do you think you're going, herbivore? you're late." you turned around and saw a black, raven-haired boy with charcoal eyes. you knew that he was part of the committee because of his armband on his left arm, 'disciplina' was written all around the armband.

"I know. and I'm sorry about that. but I gotta go to my class." you explained and he let go of your collar.

"hmph. I don't care. you're in for a detention." he said.

he was familiar to you. then you remembered who he was.. right. he was Hibari kyoya. cloud guardian of Vongola X. and plus, childhood friend. you really missed him. and now. he was glaring at you. then his words came in to your mind, you realised you were day dreaming.


"didn't you heared me, herbivore. detention." he said annoyed.

"WHAT?! b-b-but... I'm still new here, kyoya. and-" you stammered

you were cutted off, then you covered your mouth because you just said his name, and reborn told you not to let them know... now... what are you gonna do?

"hm? how did you know my name, and who told you to call me that herbivore?"

"I-I-I...well...umm...but...ugh. nevermind. I just know." you smiled sheepishly.


"can I go now? pleaaaseee! It's my first day here!!" you humbly begged.


"well be it then..." you laughed then you stuck out your tongue, and then ran fastly to your class.

then you lost sight of him, then when you had reached your destination, you knocked to the classroom door... after you knocked you came in, the class was starting, and you saw everybody was surprised by your presence.

"um...sorry for being late... is there... some-" you paused and looked at your homeroom teacher.

you were cutted by your homeroom teacher

"ahh! (name) you're here... you may now present yourself in the whole class." she smiled at you brightly.

you nod.

"come here, dear"

then you came in fromt of the class then started to present yourself.

"goodmorning everyone! hi! my name is (last name) (name)... starting from today, I would be studying here in Namimori middle. I would be pleased to be friends with you all... thank you!"

you smiled innocently, and you could see from your classmates' eyes that there's something wrong.

"nice speech (name)! I'm miss kazari... nice to meet you.." she introduced warmly.

"nice to meet you too, ma'm.."

"you could seat there" she pointed a free seat at your left side, in the middle. you followed her direction and sat at the free seat.

then your teacher start lecturing, and you listened very carefully.


after three periods, break time started. you cleaned your desk and slid the books into your bag, when someone called your name.

"(name)" you heard.

you turned around and you saw a girl with a cute smile and a dimple on her left cheek, she was cute and beautiful also and looks nice and friendly.

"hi" she greeted cheerfully.

"hi!" you answered back.

"my name is chiyo... chiyo kagura... nice to meet you (name)" she offered her hand to you, thrustingly.

"nice to meet you, too!" you shook her hand.

"wanna eat recess with me?" she offered

"sure! I would be happy, too.." you stood up and followed her to wherever she's heading into.

"come on.. let's go outside... I wanna tell you something... and it's IMPORTANT" she told you.

"oh, ok.."

you and chiyo went outside the classroom, and headed to the canteen. when you both arrived at the canteen she spoke up. "do you wanna know, why we were surprised that you arrived even the fact that you were late?"

"wh-why is that?" you stammered.

"we're all worried about you... you shouldn't be late when you come to class here in Namimori middle."

"and why?"

"Hibari-san might put you into a detention... and if you disobey, he'll kill you..."


she nodded.

"well.. actually he putted me into a detention earlier, but then he was being so mean that I ran to the classroom. he ran after me but then I lost sight of him."

her jaw almost dropped.

"what?! you did that?! this is bad..."

"i know.. I didn't know"

"hehe... maybe he'll understand at some way..."

"hmm... yeah."

after she bought her snack, you and chiyo went upstairs.

and guess who you spotted.


Hibari Kyoya.

"chiyo, look. it's him."

"what? well you better hide... he'll kill you..."

"maybe that's not a good idea... I'll just goto my locker, ok?"

"ok... suit yourself."


then You walked fast towards your locker, then You looked back while walking fast, then You just bumped into someone.

"eekk!! sorry!"

it was that black, raven-haired boy.

Hibari Kyoya.

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