Not-So-Twin Switcheroo

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Kai, Nya and I were hanging out in the monastery and looking through some pictures my mom sent me. Nya picked one up and checked it out.

"Ok, I'm sorry. Which one of you is which? I can't tell." Nya showed us the picture. Kai took it and showed me. "We had to be like two years old." He said.

"And obviously, that one is me and that idiot is Kai." I pointed to the two little kids in the picture.

"How do you guys tell yourselves apart? You have the same face!" She told us. "No way." I folded my arms. "How do you figure?" She countered.

"Come on, be reasonable. I have a stupid knick in my eyebrow, Omar has a stupid knick above his eyebrow. Big difference." Kai smirked.

"Yeah, like half an inch. You two could be twins if you changed your hair." She shrugged as she left the room.

"That's your thinking face. What are you planning?" I asked Kai once Nya was out of ear shot. "Just a little prank. Gimme your gi." Kai ordered. "Why?" I asked. "You'll see." He said mischievously.

We swapped gis and he told me to us his hair gel to make my hair look like his and vice versa. We actually did look like each other!

"Now what?" I asked. "Now, I pull off being you and you pull off being me. It can't be that hard." He shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm awesome and you're you. Can you still imitate my voice?" I asked.

"Sure. 'I'm Omar James, I carry around two knives taped together and I'm the greatest ninja in the world. Slurp." He said in a mockingly deep voice. "I don't sound like that." I grumbled. "Do it right."

We tested out the voices and decided to continue as each other for the rest of the day. I mean, it wasn't hard, just act like each other! But the next day, Monday, is when things got hairy.

We were training lie any other Monday, but Cole asked Kai, who was me, to do the special move that only we knew. "Uh oh." I sighed.

He tried to imitate my awesome flip, and landed flat on his face. "What happened? We've been practicing that move for two weeks." Cole asked. "Uh... I wasn't paying attention." Kai muttered.

"Wasn't paying attention? I caught you doing that move in your sleep the other night." He chuckled. "Oh slurp." I groaned.

"How'd you do that?" Jay asked. "Do what?" Kai asked. "Your voice came from over there." Jay pointed to me. "You're going crazy." I joined in.

"I heard it too." Cole continued. "I did as well." Zane nodded. "Then you're all insane, we should take you to a doctor." Kai said.

"I should take him inside, you know, to get him an ice pack. For his head. So he doesn't run off the mountain. Gotta go." We hurried inside.

"Nice flip. Your face really stuck the landing. What was that?!" I asked. "I don't know! You do crazy moves all the time, I wasn't paying attention. And great job sounding like me, you sounded just like you!" He snapped back at me.

"Okay, okay. Look. We gotta pull ourselves together if this is gonna work." I confirmed.

That night at dinner was extremely difficult though. Kai had all the food I ate, and I had all of his normal food. Except for fish, of course. I'm allergic.

Or so I though as Kai put a forkful in his mouth. Everyone was still and silent. "What?" Kai asked with his mouth full.

"That was fish. You're deadly allergic to fish! Cole! Get his treatment!!" Jay shouted. Cole came back wielding a syringe with my medicine in it.

"That won't be necessary, I'm fine, really!" He panicked. "You'll pass out if you don't get the shot! Or worse! Take it!" Zane insisted.

"Wait a second. Kai?" Nya interrogated sternly. I stood up. "Yeah?" "I meant the real Kai. You guys switched places!" She said angrily.

"See? Everyone is crazy!" Kai insisted. "You two. Stand next to each other. Now." She commanded.  We got up and stood together.

"Hmm, impressive. But where's your scar, 'Kai'?" Nya asked. "Uh... scars move." I lied.

"Alright, let's just say for a second that that's true. Kai has a weak spot right...." she trailed off and backed Kai up to a wall. "Don't touch me." He worried. "Here!" She tickled his rib and he collapsed laughing.

"That happens to everybody." Kai fibbed. "Give it up, dude. We switched." I confessed.

"What should we do with them?" Cole asked. "I say we write their names in permanent marker on their foreheads." Jay suggested.

"I say they do not need to be punished." Sensei, who'd been watching silently till now, joined in.

"What?! Why?!" We all chorused.

"If you let two completely different people switch places for two days, and you didn't notice, it means you really don't know them that well." He explained.

"I know them plenty well!" Jay slammed his fists on the table, accidentally catapulting some food from his fork to Cole's face. "I leave them to your judgement and conscience ." He said as he walked out.

"Wait!" I cried, "They don't have any conscience or judgment! Come back!" But he was gone. "I, gotta go, bye!" I tried to run out the door but Cole had already blocked it.

"They got us trapped." Kai sighed. "I'll get the permanent marker." Jay chuckled.

"Guys, Sensei's right. If we'd known these two better, they couldn't have done it. I guess I don't even know them that well." Nya confessed.

"Yes, Sensei Wu is correct. If we were more aware of the errors and shortcoming of our allies, they would've remained easily identifiable." Zane agreed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But why is there food on my face. Jay? Do you want to answer that question?" Cole said menacingly.

"Food Fight!!!" Jay proclaimed. We had our food fight and then played twenty questions till we got tired. I gotta say cwe all know to much about each other now to pull that trick again.

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