Fast Forward to the Past ~ Creepy Christmas

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After fighting all the evil forces of Ninjago you wouldn't think anything could scare us anymore. That's not exactly true for Kai.

It was Christmas and my older brother and sister were staying with me for the holidays. We were all hanging out in the living room when Cole decided to possess the elf on the shelf doll.

We all watched as he made it jump off the fireplace mantle and shaky steps towards Kai. Kai began backing out the room. Suddenly the doll pounced, and latched onto Kai's face.

"GET! IT! OFF!" He screamed louder then  I've ever heard anyone before. "Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" We all couldn't help but laugh. What?! It was funny!

Cole jumped out of the doll practically dying with laughter. "What is wrong with you?" Kai growled, probably embarrassed by his reaction.

"Oh come on. That was a grade A scare." Cole managed. "You almost gave me a heart attack." He insisted. "Why do we even have that thing? You guys know I hate it!"

"That's why I bought it." I told him as I got my laughter under control. "The real questions is why." Crystal asked smugly.

"It's really Bethany's fault." Carter chuckled. "Scared the two of you half to death." Nya laughed.

"And now it's time for The James' Story Hour." Jay announced. "Alright then. Gather round children, cause I have story for you." Carter played along. "It was 10, no 11 years ago now." He started.

"And you're still scared?" Lloyd laughed. "Shut it ya little runt." Kai sulked. "Like I was saying it was Kai and Nya's first Christmas with us..."


Carter was always into mechanics, so robotizing the elf on the shelf doll for his end of year science project was a no brainer.

The trouble came when his little sister used it for revenge.


"Auntie Teresa! Bethany's trying to open her presents." Kai called from the living room. "Are not!" Bethany yelled. "Are so, are so, are so." Her brother tattled.

"Bethany Aretha James!" Their mother scolded from the doorway. "You know the rules. Go to your room and think about what you've done."

"But mom!" Bethany started to protest. Mrs.James pointed to the stairs. "I'll get you for this you little tattletales." She growled at the boys as she passed.


The next afternoon Bethany walked in on the 2 five-year-olds watching tv. "Clear out." She ordered, standing between them and the screen.

"No way. It's our tv time." Kai told her. "Yeah wait your turn." Omar said trying to see passed her.

"Do you know what happens to little boys who are also little brats?" She asked folding her arms. "Santa doesn't bring them presents?" Omar gasped.

"Worse. He sends his elf to punish them and then they don't get presents." She said with a smirk. "Lier, lier. Pants on fire." Kai said shaking his head.

"Fine." Bethany shrugged. "Don't say I didn't warn you." She sat on the couch as the boys turned back to the tv.

Bethany reached into her pocket and pulled out a little remote control. She turned it on and typed on the tiny keyboard.

"Little boys." A high pitched voice called.

Kai and Omar whipped towards to sound.

"You've been bad little boys and now you're going to pay." The elf on the shelf said in a sing song voice.

"Mommy!" Omar screamed. "The elf is talking!"

"What happened? What's talking?" The boy's mother asked as she ran in.

The boys started yelling and screaming about how to elf on the shelf he'd spoken and was coming to get them.

"I thing you boys have had enough tv for one day. Let's play outside." She said ushering them out, although they were insisting the toy spoke the whole time.


The next day the boys were playing in the living room when Bethany decided to strike again.

"Come and play little boys." She made the elf sing.

"You can't hurt us! You can't even get off the shelf!" Kai told it defiantly.

Bethany jiggled the joystick and the doll jumped from its place on the mantle and landed in front of the boys.

Kai and Omar ran screaming from room and refused to go back in the living room for the rest of the day.


That night as Bethany was headed to bed she heard the two boys talking. "Do really think the elf is coming for us?" Omar whispered. "I dunno, but it only walks and talks when Bethany's around." Kai observed.

"Maybe she curse-ed it." Omar gasped. "She might be curse-ed." Kai added. "We just won't play in there when Bethany's around." Omar decided with a yawn.

"Game on." Bethany smirked as she climbed in bed.


The next day the boys took special care to make sure they were never alone with Bethany. As they were playing in the living room Bethany sat just outside the door.

"Come and play little boys." The elf sang.

"Go away curse-ed elf." Omar snapped trying to be brave.

"You've been bad little boys. You got your sister in trouble and now you will pay." The elf told them as it jumped off the shelf and crept towards them.

"We're sorry. Didn't mean to." Kai promised.

"It's to late to apologize." The elf snapped. "You're mine!"

With that the elf sprang at the boys and latched onto Kai's face!

The boys started screaming wildly trying to pry the toy off just as they did Mr. and Mrs. James and Carter came racing in to see what all the noise was about.

The boys began crying and explaining how the doll was 'curse-ed' and they weren't going to get any presents because they'd been bad and got Bethany in trouble.

After a long explanation that the elf was NOT cursed and that they hadn't been bad Mr. and Mrs. James turned their attention to their daughter.

"You young lady are grounded until the New Year." Her father announced. "Where on earth did you even get this doll?" Her mother asked crossly.

"It was all Carters fault!" Bethany protested. "He made that thing and left it lying around!"

"Make it go away mommy! Make it go away!" Omar cried. "Throw it in the fire!" Kai demanded. He especially never wanted to see another elf as long as he lived.

Once Carter stopped protesting, (it was his project after all) Mr. and Mrs. James made sure Kai and Omar saw the toy thrown into the fire and burned to a crisp.

Despite this the two didn't sleep for weeks after.

-----~END OF FASHBACK~-----

Everyone but Kai found this story hilarious.

"Come on Kai." I managed. "Sure it terrifying and cruel when we were five. But you gotta get over it."

"I was scarred for life." Kai said defensively and headed to the kitchen for a snack.

"Then he shouldn't go into his room tonight." Bethany told us when he was out of earshot. "Why not?" Crystal asked excitedly.

"She had me make a new robo elf and dropped it in his closet. He'll never sleep again." Carter laughed.

Oh slurp. Here we go.

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