Outlaws Alone

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It was never my intention to leave the two most dangerous people in our family alone together. But we didn't have a choice.

Sensei Wu was out running errands all day. Jay was spending the weekend with his parents. Zane and Cole had volunteered for some charity junk. And Kai, Nya and I were headed to Ignacia.

We were almost out the door when Kai pointed out, "There's no one to watch Lloyd and it's to late to bring him with us." "You mean you don't want to bring him with us." Nya said pointedly

"Crystal's still inside. I'll see if she can watch him." I said running back in. I found Crystal rummaging through the fridge. "Hey Crystal, What are you doing today?" I asked.

"None of your business." She answered quickly. "I need you to watch Lloyd for the day." "No! Why?" She whined "Everyone's busy and we can't leave him alone." I explained.

"What am I supposed to do with the little runt all day?" She asked in the same whiny tone. "Take him to the arcade. Go to the park. Help him train. As long as he's alive and in one piece when we come home." I said exasperatedly.

"Fine." She grimaced "Thanks. I gotta go." I called as I ran out the door. "Did you work something out?" Nya asked as I caught up to them. "Crystal's watching him." I said as I got out my wallet.

"You're letting Crystal babysit the kid?! 150 bucks says when we get back he'll be dead." Kai said shaking his head. "250 bucks says he'll be alive and well." I said smuggling.

"Winner gets both combined?" Kai proposed. "I'll take that action." We both wiped some gel out of spiked hair, spit in our palms and shook on it like we had when we were kids.

"Ok you two. Let's get on the bus." Said Nya as she pulled us apart.

Narrator's P.O.V.
About five minutes later Lloyd walked into the kitchen wondering where everyone was. Crystal turned as she heard him come in.

"Mornin' kid." "Morning. Where is everyone?" He asked. "All out for the day. It's just you and me." "Ok." Lloyd shrugged, "What's for breakfast?"

"Hmm.... No one sensible here to tell us what to do...." She thought for a second then exclaimed, "You get the candy and the ice cream. I'll get the pie and that cake I saw Cole hide in the fridge."

When they finished eating every sweet thing they could find, they headed over to the arcade. They played a few games and beat some high scores.

Everything was fine until some guy ran straight into Crystal and told her to watch where she was going.

Two seconds later she was on top of the guy. Five seconds after that she was beating the poor guy with a joy-stick she had ripped from a game. Four minutes later the guy was unconscious and being loaded into an ambulance.

As for Crystal, she and Lloyd were being escorted from the premises. As they walked down the street Crystal made sure that she wouldn't get in trouble for what she just did.

She turned to Lloyd. "Ok kid, what have we learned? Lesson one?" She prompted. "It's real easy to rip a joy-stick out of a game and knock someone out with it. It's kinda fun to watch too." He told her.

"Not bad." Crystal affirmed, "Lesson two?" "Stay on your good side at all costs." Lloyd continued. "Good. And lesson three?" She said starting to worry.

Lloyd smiled. He knew what she wanted him to say. "We don't tell Sensei, the guys or Nya. Your secret safe with me."

Crystal beamed. "Genius kid. Let's go to the park." So they did.

Lloyd went to wait on the line for the swings. Crystal watched him wait his turn wondering how the boys could ever say he used to be a brat.

As far as she had ever seen he was a perfectly behaved kid. He had good manners, did what he was told and worked hard.

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