In Sickness We Need Help

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"This is the end of me." I groaned, "I've fought armies of snakes and hordes of skeletons, but now I'm going to die."

"It is unlikely that you will die from a simple cold." Zane said although he sounded just as miserable.

We didn't listen when Sensei told us to get flu shots or when he advised us to drink a sickness preventing tea. So now the guys and I are sick.

"If Kai and Jay would just agree to take the shots we'd all be fine." Cole coughed. "You're not sticking anything into me." Jay told him in a raspy voice.

"The worst part is," Kai paused to let out half a dozen sneezes. "We still have to babysit the kid." He finished. "Normally I'd argue that I'm not a baby, but right now I need a nap." Lloyd groaned.

Then there was a knock on the door. When Zane opened it the last person I expected to see was there. "Crystal? What are you doing here?" I asked sitting up a little.

"You guys are normally at the dojo by now. So I came to see if you were ok." She explained. "We're not ok we're all gonna die." Jay moaned.

"We're not going to die." Zane told him again. "I didn't know nindroids could get sick." Crystal said looking over at Zane. "He's got a virus." Kai told her, "As soon as Jay's better he can download the antivirus."

"You all look awful. Why don't you take something?"  She said as she felt my forehead. "Sensei says we have to all agree on one treatment." Cole told her.

"And?" She said raising an eyebrow. "We have three choices. Liquid medicine, pills or injections." Zane started.

"Only problem is that most of us are to old for the liquid. Lloyd isn't old enough for the pill. Not mention Omar dosen't want the pill." Cole continued. "So all of you get a shot. Problem solved." Crystal shrugged.

"NO!" Kai, Jay and Lloyd yelled in unison. "See? There's nothing we can all take." I concluded. "I think I have an idea." Crystal said as she reached into her pocket.

She pulled out a chain with several small vials of colored liquid hanging from it. She detached one from the chain and held it up to the light.

"This," she told us, "Is the antidote for every sickness known to man. One drop of this on any food of your choice and you'll be cured within the hour. Best part is it's completely tasteless."

We looked at each other questioningly. This seemed to good to be true. "You sure about this? How do we know it's not poison?" Kai asked.

"As long as you can eat this'll work." She confirmed. As I stared at her I could almost hear her asking me to trust her. "I trust her. Let's do it." I told the guys.

Ten minuets later Crystal had made us some sandwiches and added the antidote. She was right about one thing. It didn't taste like anything.

Then we waited. The more time passed the more I wondered if it had all been a joke at our expense. That is until I noticed that my nose wasn't stuffed up any more. I felt my forehead. No fever! I looked at the guys. They all looked better.

"It worked!" I whooped. We all started cheering and jumping around. You'd never guess that we'd been sick an hour ago. I turned to Crystal.

She was leaning on the wall and laughing at how ridiculous we must look. "Thanks. We really owe you." I told her.

"It was the least I could do." She shrugged. "Although if you want to pay me I'd be totally cool with that." She said as she headed out the door.

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