Chapter six

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I woke up the next morning, mad at myself. Why do I allow this one man to keep doing this to me. I sat up in the bed, careful to move Aug's arm from around me. He was really sleeping so peacefully. He looked so damn good.

I slipped out of the bed and went into my bathroom.

"Ri, you need to get a grip on life!" I told myself as I put the tooth paste on my toothbrush. "Lawd girl!" I sighed and started to brush my teeth.

I rinsed my mouth out once I was done and went to take a shower. I felt like I still had the smell of sex all over my body. Not that it was a bad thing, but I knew if I kept the smell on me, I would want to fuck again.

I got out the shower and slipped on a simple jogging suit. I let my weave hang and placed some diamond studs in my ear. I ain't feel like being dressy today.

I tip-toed out of the room and went into my computer room to do some work. I sat down behind my desk and shook the mouse to "wake-up" the computer. Once the start screen appeared I typed in my password and let my personal settings load. My screensaver appeared, and it made me feel some type of way. It was a picture on Aug and I on a vacation in
Disney World. After my miscarriage with Bryan, he saved enough money to take me.

"What you doing?" Aug stood in the door way, shirtless.

"Just doing some work." I smirked.

"I'll go make us breakfast." He walked over to give me a kiss. "I love that picture of us." He smiled at my screen.

"Me too." I bit my bottom lip.

"Do you ever get tired of Disney World?" He asked knowing the answer.

"Nope! I've been 19 times in 21 years, and I still don't think I have been enough!" I flipped my hair.

"We gottah go again!" He started walking off.

"When you know how to act." I leaned forward in my chair.

"I'm sorry Ri. I really am. I just feel like you will never let me forget I made this mistake." He paused at the door.

"Aug you can't forget a baby." I shook my head and got back on my computer.

"I know...." He hung his head. "Ima go fix the food." He pointed to the kitchen. I knew what he was doing, trying to leave the conversation, but it's not that simple.

I went back to what I was supposed to be doing. I opened up Microsoft Excel, and looked at my real estate budget for this particular month. I was surprised to see I was way under budget, which was perfect because I need a new way to market this million dollar home that just won't sell.

*ding* my phone vibrated. I looked down at my screen and noticed I had a text from Terry.

'what you doing today ?'

I smiled at the thought if him.

'I have no idea. What do you have in mind?' I responded with the biggest smile. Even if Aug stayed over all day. It would be nothing for me to get all dressed up and say I was going with Keedy somewhere.

'i want to go see ride along .' He replied instantly.

'Ohkay......' I wanted to be asked.

'mariah will you go with me to the movies ? lol' I guess he caught where I was coming from.

'Sure I would love to. Lmao!'

'it starts at 8 ! can I pick you up at 7 ?'

'Can I just meet you there?' I hoped he said yea.

'sure . no problem . see you then .' He added a wink face at the end. I know sported the biggest smile, wasn't shit going to ruin my day.

'If anyone asks, I was with you all night...right?' I shot Keedy a quick text.

'And we had so much fun!!!!!' She caught my drift.

"Babe, the food's ready!" Aug called out from the kitchen.

"Ima be there in a minute." I responded. I went back to do one more thing for work before I ate.

I dialed a the number to one of my clients, the one whose home isn't selling.

"Hey Mariah!" Ashley answered.

"Hey Ashley! How are you today?"

"Good. Still hoping that this house will sell."

"Yea, me too. Look we have some options. First we can lower the price." I emphasized 'lower'.

"Now you know I can't do that." She sighed.

"Well that leaves the second option. We will host a small party at your house. One where all of the realtors in the city can come out to see your home." I smiled at my idea.

"What if it doesn't work?" She sounded worried.

"Then we have to lower the price."

"Oh my gosh. I'm tired of this. Can we just do something fast?" Ashley whined.

"I'm trying, but it's really a buyer's market." I expressed.

"But I put in so much for this home, I don't want to walk away."

"It seems like you want to get paid for sentimental value. Baby don't nobody pay for that." I told Ashley again.

"I know, but can I talk to you later?" She tried to rush off the phone.

"Yea, but just think about what I said."

"Yea ok." She smacked before hanging up.

I locked my phone and sat it down on the desk before getting up and going to the kitchen.

"I thought you wasn't gonna come." Aug laughed as he sat my plate in front of me at the table.

"I was, but I had work." I shrugged and said my grace.

"Coke or Sunny D?" He took two cups from the cabinet and rinsed them off.

"Uhhhh I'll take Sunny D..." I cute into my homemade Blueberry pancakes and Maple syrup.

"Here." He sat my drink and his plate down then went got his drink from the counter.

"Thanks baby!" I smiled and went back to stuffing my face.

"I see you like it." He took a bite of his food.

"Yea, it's good!"

"I have a question." He put his fork down.

"Shoot." I placed my fork down and took a sip of my juice.

"Will you marry me?"

Hey guys! Miss me....or nah! 😂😂 But anyways, I have posted the sequel to, "More To Love"! It's called, "More To Love: Mob Royalty"! Please go read it!

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