Chapter Twenty Three

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I woke up with a blurry vision, nothing was clear, but I was for sure that I was not at home. After blinking a few times, to see better, I noticed I was in some room. I was laid in some big ass bed,and there was a breeze coming through the room. I had to be somewhere near a beach because there was an open glass door and palm trees outside. I felt a sharp pain run through my uterus, causing me to sit up and hold my stomach.

"Fuck!" I whispered, trying to sooth the cramp away. I had another six weeks before I was due, so I knew it had to be Braxton Hicks.

"Look who's up!" Kevin came into the room fully dressed, where as I had on a simple silk night gown. "Good morning." He leaned over to kiss me, but I turned my head.

"Where am I?" I eyed him, keeping my hand on my swollen belly.

"Well Love, we are currently in Colombia." He climbed into the bed.

"My husband will find me." I snapped at him, finally giving him eye contact.

"Yea, eventually. In about two to five years. By that time, that child will already be connected to me." He was so sure of himself, he didn't even blink.

"Someone here will get me back to America." I laid back down and held my stomach.

"If you EVER try and leave me EVER, I will kill that child. Try me!" He grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. "Do you understand me?" He pressed his hand harder into my face.

I didn't respond, I simply rolled my eyes, trying to look the opposite way. "Bitch, do you hear me!" Kevin backhand slapped me. My eyes filled me salty tears as I realized what my life was coming to. "Do you fucking hear me!" He spoke through his teeth.

"Yes, Kevin." I whispered. He let go of my face and stared at me for a moment. I looked at him, but my mind was busy wondering how someone could be so fucking evil.

"Come here." He sighed, rubbing my arm. "I said come here!" He yanked me over to him.

He slid the straps of the nightgown off of my shoulders and began to kiss my neck. Tears fell down my face as I was subjected myself to his vile kisses. I wanted to run away, but there was no way I was gonna allow my child to die because I wasn't woman enough to just sit there. I didn't know if I would ever see my husband again, but I knew that he would always remain in my heart.

"You know I love you right?" He laid me down on the bed as he began to kiss my thighs. I felt my stomach turn. I let the tears fall as Kevin took his tongue and began to sodomize me.

My mind began to take me away from this wretched place. I started to think about August. How would life be without him. All I've know is him and all I ever thought about was him. Would he ever find me? Would I ever get back to him?

"Get up and go take a shower." Kevin kissed my lips and laid on the other side of me. "Mariah, please get up. I'm tired of fighting with you." He rolled his eyes and picked his phone up from the nightstand.

"Kevin, fuck you." I folded my arms.

"What did you just say?" He sat up, staring down at me.

I paused for a moment, I didn't know if I was woman enough to repeat what I'd just said. "I said, fuck you!" I got up from the bed, putting space between us. "I'm already in hell so you can't send me there. You won't kill me because it obvious that you can't physically live without me. Plus you would have done it already." I clapped my hands together.

"Bitch!" He lunged from the bed, grabbing me by my neck and slamming me againt the wall.

My eyes got bucked from the shock and the sudden lack of oxygen. "Lemme tell you something about this shit! You fucking right I ain't gon kill you, but what I will do is get your ass in check. You been with that bitch nigga way too long, and you have gotten out of hand. You are a woman, and I am a man. You are gonna talk to me like you got some damn sense. I am your king, show me some fucking respect. What I'm gon do is marry your foolish ass since that seems to be the only way you can show a man the respect he is owed." His words kept hitting me, then he released me. I grabbed a hold of myself and began to rub my swollen belly. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but at the same time, how could I be sure.

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