Zach and Gray Mitchell

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A giggle went thought the Mitchell house as they were getting ready for the three kids to go and visit there aunt. The oldest out of the three was seventeen year old, Zach, who loves to look at girls and be on his phone all the time. The middle child was Gray who loves dinosaurs and loves to learn everything that he can and was only twelve years old. The youngest of the three was y/n. She was only five years old and loves to play with her big brothers when they will, Gray would anytime but it took some convincing from Zach, and would always help out around the house.

While their parents were getting y/n bags packed and getting them in the car. Y/n was sitting outside playing with the snow. When it was time to go their dad, Scott, picked her up and put her in her car seat in the car. Not long after that Gray came running out the door and sat to the left of her while they were waiting for Zach to come he decided to play with her. Once everyone was in the car they set of to the airport. When they arrived and they had gave the bags in and got the tickets, they were saying goodbye for a week. Karen, their mother, almost didn't let y/n go. Gray got her out her arms and put y/n next to him with a smile on his face and holding hands while Zach was to busy on his phone. After Karen gave Zach the rules, the three siblings set off on a journey.

Once they were at Jurassic world y/n and Gray couldn't hold there excitement in. Zach could relate to a five year old but he just didn't understand what Gray found so exciting. They had someone called Zara showing them around after they had caught up with Claire, their aunt. They snuck away from Zara and made a ran for it. Soon Zach got a call from Karen and she had a go at Claire. While that was going on the three siblings were going on the Gyrosphere after watching the Mosasaurus feeding show.

"Gray are we all going on the same one?" Y/n asked her older brother with her head tilted to the side.

"Of course. They just released ones with three seats so we all can go on one together." Gray told y/n with a big smile on his face, which he got one in return from y/n.

Y/n cheered as one arrived and they got in and bulked up. While they were looking around y/n was enjoying looking at the dinosaurs, but when they went of track she became worried and scared so she was holding onto Gray's arm without her knowing. When they found some dinosaurs y/n was busy watching them, then Gray pointed out that there was five dinosaurs instead of four that Zach thought there was. As the indominus Rex was kicking the Gyrosphere they somehow got turned upside down and little y/n was trying to keep her tears in.

Zach got them out and they ran to a waterfall with y/n in Zach she arms. He told her to hold her breath on the count of three and Gray to jump.

They jumped.

Just as y/n was about to lose her breath Zach swam up to the surface with her where she began to cough and hold on to Zach like her life fe depended on it. When all three of them got out the water y/n hugged Gray with Zach hugging them both. The siblings hug didn't last long as they began to walk though the, what seemed to be a, endless forest. While they were walking though it y/n was holding hands with either Zach or Gray which they didn't mind because they knew that she was holding onto one of them. They soon came across the old visitor centre where Zach and Gray found a old car that they fixed up and y/n was just watching them as did. Soon they were on there way back to the Resort but while they were at the gate waiting to go in the Dimorphodon and Pteranodon were set free from their cage. Once they entered Zara met up with them and was making there way to where they were going to meet up with Claire. As they were making there way Zara was picked up and 'feed' to the Mosasaurus. Y/n buried her face into Gray's stomach.

Not long after that they found Claire looking around for them with a man not far behind her. Gray called out to her as Zach had picked y/n up into his arms as she put her face into his neck. They began to run to safety and found a car to get to the Velociraptors cage. When they were in the car the Michelle siblings found out that the mans name was Owen Grady a trainer at Jurassic World.

When they arrived at the raptors cage Owen soccer punched a man that approached him. Y/n was just giggling as if she knew the man was bad news when the boys just made a face. They were let out the car and y/n ran straight over to the raptors with her older
brothers following close behind her. Seeing as there was a cage separating y/n from the rectors they weren't in a panic, until she was harassing Zach to pick her up to see them better. He did and y/n had her arms wrapped around Zach's neck as he had his arms tightly wrapped around her waist to make sure that she doesn't fall or get hurt.

Not long after that they were taken to a medical van and was told to hold on tight to each other. Y/n looked towards her brothers, as if asking for permission, then latching herself onto them when they both nodded. Not long after a man was opening the back door telling them to drive only to be pulled back by a raptor and the van drove away. Gray got one of the tasers and with the help from Zach tasered the raptor and saw Owen coming not long after. When the van stopped Zach had y/n in his arms as they were making there way though new the visitor centre only to hear glass breaking and checking out to see Hoskins talking about using dinosaurs like the indominus Rex for the army and military and a raptor came and attacked him.

They all ran outside to 'safety' after being stopped by the raptor that killed Hoskins and they were soon surrounded by three raptors. Owen got his place as Alpha again and the girls attacked the indominus. Gray mumbled something about more teeth as y/n hanged onto Zach like her life depended on it. Claire ran off with a flare and Owen soon joined them in hiding as Claire cam with the T-Rex.


She shouted as they ran out from the shelter that was about to collapse and hid behind a stone before hiding in the stores and restaurants. Soon the Mosasaurus had pulled the indominus down into the water with it. They all let a breath of relief out as they realised they the indominus was gone. They were all soon watching the T-Rex and Blue the last raptor walking away and in different directions.

Soon they were in a warehouse that was on a different island with y/n asleep on Zach's chest and holding onto Gray's hand in her smaller one. While they were waiting Claire was stroking Zach and Grays hair as she watches y/n sleep on her older brother's chest. Soon Claire looked away for a second and saw her sister so she woke y/n up as she told the boys that their parents were there. When y/n woke up she was a bit drowsy but when she saw her mother she jumped out of Zach's arms and ran to her crying out 'mama' with tears streaming down her face as her brothers hugged their dad. Y/n held onto their mother as she hugged her sister them y/n was passed to her dad. She held onto him tightly as well refusing to let go of her parents.

They soon got her to let go while they made there way home. Where they knew they were going to be safe.

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