Author's Note

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If you want to request an imagine I need:
•Your Name
•Hair Color
•Eye Color
•Character/Characters you want it about
•Anything you want to specifically to happen in the imagine

Also, I do not write smut, I'm just not comfortable writing that. As well any Gifs used in this book are not mine I give all credit to whoever made it. Also please do not copy my imagines they are not yours and you are simply being a huge jerk. I put a lot of effort into my imagines and it's really shitty that people will take them and pretend they are theirs. 🙂 Also thank you so much for reading my book, it means a lot.❤️

Update: I am not taking requests any more for this book as it is totally completed.

Teen Wolf Imagines (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now