Liam (Requested)

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Requested by @TheVampJelly

(In this imagine Theo was not an evil chimera, he's just a normal werewolf)

Malik and Theo walk into Beacon Hills High School together chatting about some memory from middle school. Malik and Theo have been friends since they were little kids. When their other friend Liam Dunbar joins them.

"You ready for the big game tonight?" asks Malik smiling at Liam

"Yeah, just a little nervous though." answers Liam

"You'll do great." Malik says giving the boy a small smile which makes Liam smile as Theo watches jealously

Both boys have a crush on the black haired girl. Theo since he was in middle school and Liam as soon as he laid his eyes on her freshman year. Liam hasn't really noticed Theo's crush on Malik to focused on his own crush on the pretty girl.

Malik stands next to Theo talking about how great everyone played. Beacon Hills own the game and most of the points were actually scored by Liam. When Liam Dunbar came jogging up to them smiling.

"Hey guys." says Liam smiling and even though he was addressing both of them his eyes are trained on Malik

"You did so good." says Malik smiling as she pulls Liam into a hug

"Thanks." Liam says blushing slightly before he notices Theo glaring at him

He gives the boy a confused look before Malik pulls away from the hug.

"I'll be right back I have to give Lydia back the shirt I borrowed from her last week. After I get we should go get ice cream." Malik says before she runs off to find Lydia

Liam watches her until she is out of sight before turning to back to angry looking Theo.

"Dude, what's your problem?" asks Liam

"My problem is your little crush on Malik." answers Theo stepping closer to Liam

"It needs to stop." adds Theo

"I'm not going to stop liking Malik just because you do." says Liam

"She isn't into you. I mean why would she be your just an IED freak?" says Theo angering Liam

Growling Liam steps forward pushing Theo. Growling Theo throws a punch at Liam and hits him right in the nose. Liam growls as he tackles Theo. Malik heads back to the boys after having a small talk with Lydia. Instead of finding the two boys talking about the game like she thought she would, she finds them trying to kill the other.

"Theo! Liam!" Malik yells rushing towards the boys

Malik grabs Liam's arm, who is on top of Theo, trying to pull him off of Theo to stop the fight.

"Guys, stop it." says Malik desperately trying to pull them apart

"He started it." says Liam as Malik finally manages to get him off of Theo

"You're the one who pushed me." argues Theo jumping to his feet stepping closer to Liam

Malik jumps in the middle of the two boys. She places a hand on both their chests trying to keep them apart.

"You're the one who told me to stay away from Malik." argues back Liam

"Wait....what?" Malik questions confused

"Nothing." instantly says Liam embarrassed not wanting Malik to know unless she returns the feelings

"I like you, Malik more than a friend and so does Liam. You have to choose between us." says Theo

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