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"She hasn't been answering any of my texts for the past 24 hours." says Scott worried

You're Scott's little sister and human. Everyone in the pack loves you like you are their little sister. You found it annoying some times since you are only 2 years younger than Scott. What annoyed you more is when Liam treats you like that too since you guys are the same age.

"Maybe she's just hanging out with Theo and is too busy to call you back." suggests Malia

  Theo's your boyfriend and even though Scott nor Stiles like it, they somehow couldn't seem to keep you guys apart. You love him, you show him on a deeper level than the rest of the pack. He was manipulated by the Dread Doctors, they turned him into the cold person he used to be. You changed him, you helped him and most importantly you loved him. He's in love with you and somehow Theo felt love wasn't a strong enough word to describe what you guys have.

"She would never skip school even for Theo. She's too worried about grades." points out Liam

"I don't know I mean maybe he talked her into it. Theo can be persuasive." says Lydia then they hear the doorbell rings making all their heads snap to it before Scott answers it

He opens it to reveal a smiling Theo holding a bouquet of roses making everyone stare at him suddenly worried.

"Hey, guys." says Theo looking at them confused at the look they were giving

How come Y/N didn't tell me they were having a pack meeting right before we planned for me to pick her up? He thinks slightly confused

"Where's Y/N? I don't see her and we have a date planned for tonight." Theo says

It was for tonight....right? I didn't mix the dates up again. he thinks now worried

"We...we don't know. We were hoping she was with you." admits Scott making Theo's stomach drop for a second

"She skipped school today and isn't answering our calls." adds Lydia

"How are we sure this isn't some plan by Theo to kill us all?" asks Stiles looking at Theo suspiciously

"It's not, I wouldn't do that to Y/N. I love her." says Theo shaking his head thinking what Stiles's saying is ridiculous but shocks everyone that Theo just said he's in love with you

Nobody in the room thought Theo was able to love but somehow they could tell he actually loves her.

"Instead of staring at me, we should start trying to find Y/N." snaps Theo

He is worried, worried he would find you dead. That the best and only thing good in his life has been ripped away from him. The only thing he has ever loved would be gone. He needed to find you; he doesn't think he can live with out you. He wouldn't live if out you. He was going to save you even if it killed him.

"Theo's right we need to start tracking her." says Malia

"I'm going to grab something so we can have her scent." says Scott running upstairs

Okay, what in here can we use?  thinks Scott looking around when he notices something

On your bed, there is a white envelope with Scott McCall written on it in red. He quickly runs over to it and opens it.

If you want your precious Y/N back come to the power plant at midnight. It reads in curvy cursive handwriting

Scott's alpha eyes glow from the thought of someone holding his precious baby sister hostage. He quickly shakes his head calming himself down knowing right now is not the time to wolf out. He then swiftly heads downstairs with the letter in hand.

"Well we don't need to track her, we need to plan." says Scott holding up the envelope as everyone looks at him worried

"I normally don't like to bring humans into this, but I didn't really have choice." says Gerard circling you

You are tied up to a chair tears following down your face as you are really scared.  You had stopped struggling a few hours back as your wrists are now rubbed raw.

"Are...are you going to kill me?" You ask softly as you look at the ground

"Of course not. You are just bait for Scott McCall." smirks Gerard before gagging you with a rag

"Okay, now we don't know who has her so we need to be careful." warns Scott

"I don't care about any of you. If one of you has to die so I can get Y/N back I will do it without hesitation." says Theo glaring the other

"Love you too." sarcastically says Stiles making Theo glare at him before they head inside

As they head into the building they hear your heartbeat and one more. As Scott sniffs the air, he smells a familiar scent.

"It's Gerard, he's the one who kidnapped her." says Scott

"Who's Gerard?" asks Malia, Liam, and Theo at the same time looking at Scott confused

"Allision's grandfather. He's a hunter and wants Scott's head on his wall." answers Stiles looking a bit worried

"How hard can it be to beat an old man?" asks Theo before they spot you tied up in a chair obviously trying to get out of the ropes

"Harder than you may think." says Gerard holding his gun smirking as he steps in front of you

Theo sniffs the air and smells your blood. As he looks he notices your wrists were bleeding making him growl that Gerard would hurt you.

Nobody hurts my princess. he thinks mad

"Gerard, I know you're still mad about Allision, but you can't hurt Y/N. She's innocent in all of this. I know you want to hurt me but this isn't right." says Scott scared for his baby sis

Gerard then chuckles evilly shaking his head at Scott's blindness.

"I'm going to hurt her, I used her as bait. You're my real target, McCall." says Gerard holding his gun up firing a shot at Scott's heart.

Instead of it hitting Scott, Malia dives in front of the bullet and hits her in the stomach. She falls to the ground groaning. Gerard stares obviously annoyed that he didn't hit his intended target. Using the time Gerard is distracted and so is Scott helping Malia up so he won't stop him, Theo wolf s out. His glowing yellow werewolf eyes showing along with his fangs and claws. He runs to Gerard and before Gerard had time to react, Theo rips his throat out.

"I guess it was that easy." smirks Theo before he looks to you

Just from seeing you, your tear dried eyes, he shifts back to normal. He runs to you and quickly unties you. Once he finishes he quickly pulls you into a hug as tears fall down his face. He then kisses you passionately as the others watch you guys.

"I was so worried." whispers Theo as you guys pull apart

"I love you." You whisper looking at him

"I love you too, princess." says Theo smiling as you guys stand up

The others then rush to you guys and wrap their arms around you.

"I love you guys." You say softly

"We love you too." they all say happy you are alive and okay and you couldn't be any more grateful to have such wonderful family, friends,and a amazing boyfriend that you love.


I saw the new sneak peek for tonight's episode and whoever hurt Mama McCall better get hit with a lot of karma. I honestly can't wait to see tonight's episode!

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