Peter's Daughter Part 2- Peter+Scott

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  Scott burst into the loft looking for you. He has had a rough night but he needed to find you first. Before he was kidnapped by Kate, he and Kira were looking for you. He didn't find you then, but now he was determined too. He just got back from Mexico and immediately after helping Sheriff out Peter in a cellar, he headed her.

"Y/N! Y/N!" He yelled frantically looking around for you before he head upstairs to where the bedroom are.

He runs into Peter's room to see if you are there but finds no one.

"Y/N!" He yells again hoping you could answer as he exits the room

He then heads to the guest room.

Please let her be here. Thinks Scott before entering

He lets out a sigh of relief before running towards her.

"I miss you." He says hugging Y/N then he notices she wasn't waking up

"Y/N! Y/N!" Scott says trying to shake her awake

Noticing she wasn't waking he puts her out and rushes her to Deaton.

"Deaton! I can't get Y/N to wake up!" I say

"Let me see her." He says taking Scott to the back room

Scott softly lays her down on the cooled metal table. He watches her nervously and a bit scared as Deaton checks over Y/N.

"Is she okay?" He asks as Deaton seems to finish

"Yes. Peter just sedated her with some wolfsbane. She should be up soon. Don't worry about it. She'll be fine. I promise, Scott." answers Deaton

"I know I just love her and I'm worried." says Scott picking Y/N up cradling you against his body

"She'll be fine, Scott. Trust me." says Deaton before Scott nods before taking Y/N home

Scott sighs as he lays you down in his bed before laying next to you.

"I hope you're okay. I love you." whispers Scott before falling asleep next to you

You groan as you wake up the next morning.

I feel a little weird. You think looking around confused

I thought I went to Derek's loft how did I get here? You think then you hear Scott groaning

"Hey you're awake." Scott says pulling you into a hug

"I was so scared." Scott says softly confusing you

"Why? What happened?" You question confused

"You don't remember?" He asks looking at you confused pulling away a bit

"No. All I remember is knocking on Derek's loft door." You answer

"Peter used wolfsbane to keep you sedated. He, uh, was helping Kate with the Benefactor. Kira and me went to the loft to find you since you didn't come to school. Kate kidnapped Kira and I and took us to Mexico. Kate turned me into a berserker. Then Peter tried to kill me." says Scott making your blood boil

"He did what?" You question stand up mad

"Where is he now?" You ask

"At the sheriff station. Why?" He answer looking at confused

"I'm going to kill him." You say storming out the door

"Where is he?" You ask storming into the sheriff station and immediately Sheriff Stilinski runs to you holding you back from killing Peter

"What's she doing here? Why didn't you stop her?" asks Sheriff Stilinski as Scott runs in

"She stormed out before I could stop her."answers Scott giving an apologetic smile

Then you push past them both and head to the cells to find Peter. You walk past them all until you get to the last one. You see Peter sitting down on the ground until he notices you. He stands up and walks towards the bars.

"I know-" starts Peter until you cut him off by grabbing his shirt slamming him into the bars

"I came to you. I was vulnerable in front of you and you took advantage of me. I'm your daughter and you hurt me." You say tears running down your face from anger and hurt

"Daughter-" starts Peter again as Scott

"Don't talk me that. You lost any right you ever had to call me that when you wolfsbane me and tried to kill my friends plus my boyfriend. For what? Power. You're the worst person to ever live. I hate you." You say sobbing as Scott wraps his arms around you

"Come on, babe. She's not worth." says Scott

"Okay." You softly say as Scott guides you away

Leaving Peter to somewhat regret his actions. He sighs as he sits back down.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" he asks sighing

"I'm sorry babe." says Scott as you guys lay together cuddling in his room

"It's not your fault, he's a shitty person." You say

"I know but I shouldn't have-" starts Scott

"Scott, I love you but you blame yourself for too much. It's not your fault, any of this." You say

"I know, I just wish I could make you feel better." He sighs

"You can put on Mean Girls and cuddle with me. It'll make me feel better." You say making him chuckle

"I think I can do that for the girl I love." He says making you smile

"I love you too." You say smiling


   Have you guys seen the new Teen Wolf sneak peek on MTV's YT? Theo and Liam are so cute in it. Liam got so offended when Theo told him to shut up. It was adorable. I think I ship them, they would be so cute. I doubt it will would happen honestly since Stiles and Derek didn't. I mean so many people ship them and they didn't happen and a lot less ship Theo and Liam even if a lot still do. If they do work out, I'll be happy. If not I hope Theo at least gets a significant other that isn't a piece of shit. He deserves to be happy. Also I just started watching One Tree Hill and so far I love it. I'm only on season 2 though so, but so far my favorite characters have to be Brooke and Nathan. I so ship the moment. That might change as the seasons go on. I also love Jake; Jenny and him are so cute. Also Keith deserves the world and so does Karen and Mouth and Brooke. ❤️❤️❤️ Anyways who all saw the eclipse yesterday?

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