Peter Hale (Requested)

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Requested by @stay-mon-Russ

Stacey groans as she falls to the ground injured from Gerard shooting her in the thigh with a crossbow. Smirking Gerard walks towards her with a wolfsbane needle.

"Nighty Night, little wolfie." He says teasingly before injecting in her with the needle

"Where's Stacey?" asks Scott as he stands in the loft with the pack

Scott's question grabbing Peter's interest since he has feelings for the beautiful wolf.

"I don't's not normal for her to be this late for a pack meeting." answers Lydia confused

"Have any of you tried calling her?" asks Derek

"I'll try." says Stiles pulling his phone out

"Uh....guys." Stiles says turning pale at the text message he got from "Stacey"

"What is it, Stiles?" asks Derek looking at Stiles concerned

"I just got a text from Stacey's number but I'm pretty sure it's not Stacey." answers Stiles making Peter instantly get worried

"What does it say?" asks Peter

Everyone's heads snap to Peter confused to why he seemed to care.

"Why do you care?" asks Stiles suspiciously

"Just read the damn text." growls Peter annoyed

"Fine....It says if you ever want to see your precious Stacey again meet me at in the sewers at 7." reads Stiles

"We have to save her." says Peter standing up worried for the beautiful brown eyed girl

"Why do you seem so concerned?" asks Derek

"Do you like her?" asks Lydia making Peter blush slightly at her question

"You do." says Stiles shocked

"Guys, that doesn't matter right now we need to figure how we are going to save Stacey." says Scott

Stacey groans as she wakes up.

"Where am I?" She questions looking around

She then tries to get up but realizes that her arms and legs are chained up. She also notices the bullet wound on her leg and the bullet still in it.

Great...she thinks sighing

"Hello? Who the hell did this?" yells Stacey mad

Stacey then watches as Gerard Argent steps out.

"Of course." She mutters annoyed

"Your little friends should be arriving soon." says Gerard checking his watch

"And when they do it will be nap time for you." spits out Stacey

"On the contrary darling, I think it will be quite the opposite." Gerard says smirking

"Okay so we don't know who has her or how many there everyone be careful." instructs Scott

"Yeah, yeah, we got now let's go." says Peter wanting to save Stacey already

"Just don't do anything stupid, lover boy." smirks Stiles causing Peter to growl at him before they finally head inside

They walk inside to see Stacey tied up and now gagged. Her eyes are wide as she shakes her head trying to warn them about Gerard.

"Nice of you to join us." says Gerard stepping out from the shadows with a gun

"You think that scares us?" tauntingly says, Peter

"It should wolfsbane laced silver bullets." says Gerard before firing one next to Peter's head scaring everyone but Peter

"Cute, but you'll have to try harder than that." smirks Peter stepping closer to Gerard who quickly gets angry he isn't scaring the older Hale at all

"Peter shut up! You are going to get us killed!" hisses Stiles angry

Gerard then fires another bullet this time intending to hit him in the heart. Peter quickly dodges it while taking a step closer.

"Maybe you should try not being so pathetic." says Peter angering Gerard

  He then starts firing like crazy at the older Hale trying to kill him. Him doing this gave Scott time to sneak up behind Gerard. Scott quickly pushes him into the ground and grabs the gun from out of Gerard's hands. He then hits him in the head with the gun knocking Gerard out cold. Peter then rushes over Stacey and quickly untied her. He then picks her up holding her bridal style.

"We need to get her to Melissa, she still has the bullet in her leg." says Peter

"Take her now." instructs Stiles

  Normally he would never trust Peter with anyone or anything but if was obviously the older Hale feels something for the brunette girl.

Peter nods before swiftly carries Stacey to his car. He places her in the front seat of his car as she removes the gag from her mouth.

"Don't do that again." instructs Peter as he drives Stacey to the hospital

"Do what?" asks Stacey confused

"Get kidnapped....I was worried." admits Peter keeping his eyes on the road as he rushes to the hospital

"You were?" questions Stacey sort of shocked

"Yeah.....I like you, Stacey." confesses Peter as he pulls up to the hospital

"I like you too, Peter." admits Stacey who has had feelings for Peter for a while but never thought Peter would reciprocate those feelings as Peter parks his car

"Good." smirks Peter before pressing his lips a little roughly to Stacey's


I know I don't do Peter Hale imagines (I'll only do Peter Hale imagines if it's a requested imagine) but if you guys want them I can start doing them. I just personally don't like him but I know some people do.

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