Unvirgining- Stiles Stilinski

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Stiles was worried he was going to die after all he was a virgin

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Stiles was worried he was going to die after all he was a virgin. Whoever was killing people was going after virgins so he was freaking out a bit.

"Scott, what do I do? I'm a virgin! I am going to die!" says Stiles pacing around the now empty locker room

"Just ask Y/N too, you know, unvirgin you. She's your girl best friend and you have always had a crush on her." says Scott

"Scott! You want me to just walk up to Y/N and say hey I need someone to unvirgin me so I don't die so I was thinking you could?" says Stiles staring at him

"Yeah, sounds fine. Now go she has a free period." says Scott wiggling his eyebrows as he pushes Stiles out the door with him

"Fine, fine!" says Stiles wiggling out of Scott's grip

"But if I lose her, I blame you." says Stiles pointing at Scott as he walks away towards you

"Hey Y/N." Stiles says as he leans up against the locker next to yours

"Hey, Stiles." You say smiling at him

"I was, uh, wondering if you could do me a favor?" says Stiles awkwardly as you shut your locker

"Of course Stiles. What is it?" You ask turning to him

"I was, uh you know, about all those murders I was telling you about?" asks Stiles

"Yeah." You say slightly confused at where this was leading

"Well they were all virgins and as you know I am a virgin. So I was wondering if you could unvirgin me?" says Stiles

"You want me to unvirgin you?" You ask shocked

"Yeah, you were the only one I could think of that I would want to do this with. I really really like you." says Stiles nervously until Y/N grabs his hand

"I really really like you too and I think I can do you this favor." You say smiling at him

"Really?" asks Stiles shocked

"Yeah." You say giggling as you lead him to the locker room where you unvirgin Stiles

Let's just say you "unvirgined" him many more times later on.

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