Stiles Stilinski

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You were assigned to tutor Theo in English class something Stiles wasn't happy about. Stiles was your boyfriend and thought Theo was evil and had a thing for you. You thought Theo seemed a little strange but not necessarily evil nor did you think he likes you. You sit in the library after school helping him on his paper.

"You forgot a comma here." You say circling the spot before putting one there in red ink

"Really? Damn....and I thought I did well." says Theo looking over the paper covered in red ink

"It's okay. The writing is good, you just need help on the grammar." You say

"Thanks." says Theo placing his hand on top of your hand smiling at you rubbing his thumb in circles

"No problem." You say feeling a bit weirded out but still, you give him a small smile

Until you are lifted out of your seat your hand ripped away from Theo's. You are thrown over someone's shoulder making you gasp since you were shocked by the sudden movement.

"I don't know what your game is, Raeken, but stay away from Y/N." says Stiles making you sigh

"There's no game, Stilinski. Y/N is my tutor for English. So can you put her down? We aren't finished." says Theo

"Sorry, Theo your study session is over." says Stiles walking away as you sigh

Finally, he sets you down on your feet in front of his Jeep. Then quickly crashes his lips on yours and you kiss back your lips moving in sync. It was a hungry, rough, and lust filled kiss.

"What was that for, not that I didn't like it?" you ask after you both finally pull apart

"I was just, uh, showing you your mine since I was kind of jealous." admits Stiles getting all flustered

"Babe, you don't need to be jealous. I love you not Theo." you assure him

"I love you too, baby." Stiles says smiling before kissing you again this time softly and sweetly

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