Isaac Lahey (Requested)

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Requested by @prettylittel_sammy for her sister Michelle. Happy Birthday by the way!

Michelle smiles as Isaac and she pulls back from making out to catch their breaths. Isaac smirks before flipping them over so he is on top of her before continuing to make out with Michelle.

Michelle and Isaac are secretly dating because she knew Liam, her younger brother, would flip out and possibly murder Isaac Lahey. They have been dating for about a month now. Michelle really likes Isaac; he makes her really happy. Isaac really likes Michelle as well and he would even admit that he is starting to fall for the pretty brunette girl. He wishes they didn't have to keep their relationship a secret but he is really proud of being with Michelle and would love to proudly tell everyone she is his girlfriend.

Michelle quickly pulls off Isaac shirt and he takes off Michelle's before attacking Michelle's neck in lustful kisses. And that's when Michelle's bedroom door opens to reveal a shocked Liam and Scott. Shocked both Michelle and Isaac turned to look at Michelle's very angry brother and a disgusted Scott.

"Okay...I'm just going to leave now." says Scott feeling very awkward as Liam death stares at Isaac as Michelle pushes Isaac off of her

"Li, don't freak out." Michelle says as she puts her shirt back on standing up

"You're sleeping with Isaac?!" questions Liam angrily as Isaac puts his shirt on but stays seated on Michelle's bed

"He's sort of my boyfriend." admits Michelle worried about Liam's reaction

"How long have you been dating him?" asks Liam trying not to lose his cool over this whole situation

"About a month." answers Michelle little shamefully; now regretting not telling Liam about Isaac and her's relationship

"A month? And you didn't tell me?" questions Liam angrily

"I was worried you wouldn't approve of Isaac and me." admits Michelle looking at Liam

"Well, you were right. What are you thinking, Michelle? He's a werewolf. He could kill you while you guys know! One time he can't control himself could cost you, your life. Do you get that Michelle? He is dangerous. Gosh! You never think about anything! Why are you so irresponsible?" says Liam making Michelle feel a little bad as she looks back at the floor

"Don't say that. Michelle isn't irresponsible." says Isaac standing up feeling the need to defend his girl

"You stay out of this. You're the reason we are having this conversation." says Liam glaring at Isaac

"I'm not going to just watch you be mean to Michelle because you don't like us together." says Isaac stepping towards Liam

"How much do you like my sister?" asks Liam

"So much that I'm starting to fall for your sister." answers Isaac shocking both Liam and Michelle

"I don't like, I don't like any of this....but Michelle seems to like you for some dumb reason and you like her so I'm fine with it for right now. But you lose control once and you are going to stay away from Michelle." says Liam giving Isaac a stern look before exiting the room

" are falling for me?" questions Michelle softly looking up into Isaac's beautiful blue eyes

"Of course I am, Michelle. You're my amazing, loveable girlfriend." says Isaac wrapping his arms around Michelle's waist

"I'm falling for you too." says Michelle smiling making Isaac smile as well

Isaac leans down pressing his lips to Michelle's.

"No baby Michelle's or Isaac's." yells Liam making Isaac and Michelle pull apart laughing at Michelle's brother



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Does this mean Nolan is going to be vampire soon. By the caption I would say yes but idk🤷🏻‍♀️ Also if he isn't that's disgusting he has that much in his mouth as a human. Like imagine tasting that super gross. I can't wait for the two episodes tonight! Derek's back and maybe we might get a Stiles scene. Also Monroe better not kill my new ship Jethan this episode or I will find a way to jump into my TV and end her.

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