Finally Understanding-Brett Talbot

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Nobody in the pack, especially Liam, could understand why you would say yes to being Brett's girlfriend in the first place. Brett is your best friend's enemy and he's in a different pack. Even though you were human, the pack still saw you as one of theirs. Also, Brett was known as being douchey, and you being the sweetest person they have ever meet it, it just seemed weird to them. They just never got you and him. Nevertheless, you still love Brett and he loves you. You were his anchor and his everything. So when you were hurt he went crazy.

"What do you mean she is in the hospital? Why didn't you protect her?" yells Brett to Scott who he was on the phone with as he ran out to his car worried

"We tried to, but there were too many. Trust me, we would never intentionally let her get hurt at all." says Scott as he paced around the hospital waiting area as Brett got into his car

"Is she stable at least?" asks Brett worried as he backs out his driveway

"I'm not sure. She went into surgery a little bit ago. Her wounds were pretty bad, especially the cut on her head." answers Scott as he watches Stiles sitting down biting his nails nervous

"I will be there in 5." says  Brett as he speeds to get to you hanging up on Scott

Five minutes later, Brett pulls to up the hospital. He runs inside worried about you, worried about losing the love of his life.

"Have you heard anything?" Brett asks as he runs into the waiting area

"No, we haven't only that she should be out of surgery in 10 minutes." answers Scott worried about you as Brett sits down

I should have been there. I promised to always protect her. This is my fault. I might lose her. I am going to lose the most important thing in my life. I might lose the love of my life. Brett thought sighing burying his head in his hands as a few tears fall down his cheeks. When Mama McCall appears.

"Okay, guys, she is of surgery. Good news she will live." says Mama McCall

I am not going to lose her. Thinks Brett a small smile making its way onto his face

"That's great." says  Lydia smiling also

"Well, there's more. Bad news she might not remember you. The cut and the hit to head could cause amnesia." adds Mama McCall making Brett's smile instantly turn into a scared look

"So do you you know when she will wake up?" asks Brett

"She should be up in 10 or so minutes, sweetie. Then I can sneak you back there to see her." says Mama McCall softly

"Thank you." whispers Brett worried she won't remember him

"It's no problem." says Mama McCall walking away to go wait by your room for you to wake up

15 minutes later, Mama McCall comes back and walks over to Brett.

"She is awake. Room 304." whispers Mama McCall as she walks by

"Thank you." whispers Brett as he bolts out of his seat and runs to you

Making it to your room. He sees you drinking some water. Even with your hair all messed up and wires attached to you, he still thinks you look beautiful. Brett walks over to you as you set your drink down.

"Do you remember me?" He asks worriedly

"Of course, Brett." You say smiling at him

"Ahh, thank goodness." says Brett rushing over to your side

"They said you might forget me. I didn't know what I would do if you left me." says Brett grabbing your hand

"I would never forget you, Brett. I love you." you say as Brett climbs into bed with you

"I love you too, Y/N." Brett says as he plays with your hair happy

The pack watches as you slowly happily fall asleep with Brett playing with your hair as you lay on his chest. They all finally understand why you fell for him and why you said yes to being his.

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