Mates-Liam Dunbar

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You and Liam have been dating for about 6 months when you caught him with Hayden. They were kissing, you ended things right there. You were Liam's anchor. He was also the first person you had ever loved. It was the first full moon after you broke up. You were standing on your porch, after seeing a movie, trying to find your keys in your purse, when you are tackled to the ground.  You start to scream until you realize it's just Liam. He's still in werewolf mode but he was just staring at you. You lift up your hand rubbing your thumb over his cheek bone knowing it soothed him. He leaned into your touch and a few minutes later he was back to normal Liam. That's when you notice he is naked.

"Get off me, Liam." You snap

"Please, Y/N. Just listen to me, please." He begs hoping you would listen to him

"There you are." says Stiles running up to us with Scott trailing behind

"Get him off of me." You demand annoyed

"Buddy get off of her." says Stiles then hesitantly he gets off

Sighing you stand up. Annoyed with this whole thing.

"So what happened?" asks Scott

"I was just standing on my porch just trying to find my keys when he tackled me. He kind of just stared at me-" You start  but Stiles cut me off

"So what he didn't try to assault you? He just stared at you. And he was in werewolf form?" says Stiles

"No he was fine and yes he was. Then I just did something I know used to soothe him and he turned back. Now I'm done.  This isn't exactly my idea of fun." You say grabbing your keys which fell out of your purse when he attacked you

"Please Y/N just listen to me." says Liam

Instead of listening to him, you walk into your house shutting the door on him.

Liam's POV

I sigh as the door shuts on me.

"We need to talk to Deaton about this." says Stiles grabbing my arm

"Why?" I question as we get into his Jeep

"Because that's not normal. You should have at least tried to attack her." says Scott

I now stand with Scott and Stiles after explaining things to Deaton.

"Sounds like you and Y/N are mates. Are you still together?" says Deaton

"No." I mumble

"That's a problem. If you see Y/N with anyone romantically your wolf will take over and try to kill them. Especially on a full moon. Also being too far apart for a long time can affect you badly. So what ever happened, you really need to fix it. She's your soulmate." says Deaton

"How can I fix it if she won't listen?!" I say frustrated

"Do you love her?" asks Deaton

"Of course, it's Y/N! She's perfect and amazing." I say

"Then you will figure it out." says Deaton

I tried the whole month to get her to listen or to talk to me. I even tried to get Hayden to talk to her. That just made things worse, she told her we slept together which is so not true. It was now the day of the full moon and according to Deaton, we needed to be together. Either my wolf will find her when the moon comes out or she will willingly be with me.

"Please Y/N! I'm not lying you can ask Deaton. You need to be there." I say following her down the hall

"Liam! I can't I have a date tonight." She says breaking my heart

"What?" I ask a few tears forming

"I have a date tonight." She repeats

"You can't." I protest

"Liam, you're my ex-boyfriend. Not my boyfriend. You kissed and slept Hayden, you don't have any right to demand things like that." She says stomping off.

I sigh in response when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"So I guess things went bad." says Stiles

"Yes, and she is going on a date tonight." I say sadly and worriedly

"She can't you will kill him!" says Stiles

"I don't think she will believe us." I say

"Then we are going to have to kidnap her." says Stiles

"Remember what happened when you kidnapped me." I point out

"Yeah, but I think we can handle her." says Stiles

"I guess we will see. She can't hate me any more than she already does." I sigh

So that's why we have Y/N tied up now in Stiles room.

"Why are you doing this? I have plans." she growls

"Yeah, a date." I mutter

"Is this why you kidnapped me? So I wouldn't go? I'm trying to be happy again! You already ruined it, why do you need to again?" says Y/N

"I didn't kiss her or sleep with her. She wants to get back at me for 6th grade. I promise I would never cheat on you. I love you, Y/N. You're my first love, my soulmate, and my mate. I would never." I say crouching down next to her

"I'm telling the truth. Please, Y/N I need you to believe me. I need you to be mine again. I admit the thought of you with another guy is driving me crazy. It's killing me that I'm the one who's causing you pain. I love you, Y/N so so much." I say

"I love you too." whispers Y/N softly

"Do you believe me?" I ask scared she would say no

"Yes, Liam. I should have known she lied, I mean she really does hate you. I am so sorry I didn't listen to you." says Y/N

"It's okay, Y/N." I say untying her

She pulls me into a hug as soon as I finish.

"I missed you a lot. I never want to leave you again." says Y/N hugging me tighter

"You never have to, I'm going anywhere." I say

"I love you." whispers Y/N again

"I love you too, babe." I say smiling

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