Newsflash Werewolfs aren't real- Liam Dunbar

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You sigh as you walk into school upset, Liam had canceled another date last night. The fifth one and you were tired of it. You felt like you had been put on the back burner. He is always with Hayden and never spends time with you anymore. You feel like he doesn't love you, anyone. It hurts you a little to think someone you love so much doesn't love you anymore. You walk down the hall to see Liam standing at his locker. Standing there a second trying to prepare yourself for what you were about to do you walk over.

"Hey, Liam." You say nervous

"Hey Y/N sorry for canceling again Hayden needed some help for the history test tomorrow." He says smiling at you

"Liam, I want to break up." You rush out before you could talk yourself out of it making Liam's smile instantly drop

"What?" He asks his voice cracking a bit

"I just don't think this is working. You don't really have time for me anymore. Always canceling dates and you barely talk to me at school anymore. I just can't keep being upset all the time because of you barely noticing me." You reply

"Y/N please don't do this. I need you." Liam says

"Liam if you needed me you would talk to me more. I'm sorry." You say walking away from him a few tears falling down your face as you leave a devastated Liam Dunbar in the halls of Beacon Hills High School

It's been two weeks since the breakup. Even though you were the one who ended things you were still heartbroken. Your friends have been trying to cheer you up and whenever Liam would try to talk to you, they would always drag you away from him. It was now right before a big lacrosse game that your friends had dragged you to. Saying you needed to get out of the house and do something fun. All this did was be a remind you of the times you spent cheering Liam on and the kisses you shared after he would win.

"Okay Y/f/n and I are going to get a snack we will be right back. Don't leave." Y/o/f/ says as they stand up to leave

"Okay." You reply staring at the field as they leave

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you are and just had to introduce myself." says a cute brown haired boy sitting down next to you a few seconds later

"I'm Theo." He adds holding his hand out for you to shake

"Y/N." You say blushing from his earlier comments

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." flirts Theo winking at me making me blush even more

"So I was thinking how about you and me get something to eat after the game?" He asks but before you could reply a fist connects with his face

"Don't ever talk to her again." spats Liam grabbing my arm dragging me to the locker room

Making it there you grab your arm back.

"Liam! What the hell?!" You ask annoyed

"I have been trying all week to talk to you then you go talk to good for nothing Theo. Just let me explain. Please." Liam pleads

" Liam, I will give you five minutes." You say crossing your arms over y our chest

"This may sound crazy but I'm a werewolf and Hayden's a new chimera. So I am trying to help her with her new found powers so that is why I have been with her so much. I love you only you, not Hayden." Liam says making you laugh

"Liam are you serious? That's the fake excuse you decided to go with? News flash werewolves and whatever a chimera is aren't real." You say not believing him

"Look they are I can prove it to you." Liam says then closes his eyes then you see claws grow from his hands

Getting scared you back away and Liam turns back to normal the claws gone. He goes to step closer to you.

"Stop! Please don't hurt me." You say scared which was very evident with the fear in your eyes and tone as you back away to a corner sitting down

"I'm not going to hurt you. You're my anchor Y/N." he says stepping closer

"I'm your what?" You ask as he sits down next to me

"An anchor is someone or something that you love deeply that keeps you human." He explains staring at me

"So I'm your anchor?" You ask shocked

"Of course Y/N. You were the only one who helped and tried to understand my I.E.D. You're the only person I can go over to at midnight when I had a nightmare. You're the only one who calms me down on full moons. You're the one I would sacrifice my life for. You're the person I love more than anything. I will do anything for you to take me back. I can get Stiles or Scott to help Hayden so I don't cancel dates anymore. I miss you Y/N. These 2 weeks have been hell without you. I hardly sleep anymore, I'm always crying, and I can never focus. I need you Y/N I love you." Liam says a few tears coming down his face

You reach up and wipe the tears away from his face before pulling him into a tight hug.

"I missed you to Liam. I love you." You whisper in his ear as he hugs you tightly not wanting to let go.

That's when you knew that no matter what you guys love each, human or not you love Liam. You wouldn't leave him for anything in the world.

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