Hourglass-Brett Talbot

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   Brett stands in front of your hourglass watching the sand fall. Today was the today. You guys would be together and live out your eternal life with each other. Everyone on Earth has a hourglass filled with sand and when that runs out of sand that means that person has died. Part of Brett was excited to see you but he knew there would be consciences for your death. The hourglass also told how you would die. You would be killed by hunters just like him. He knew it would break the whole McCall pack since you are part of it. He knew it would effect Liam the most as he is your brother. He knew your death would bring great sorrow as well as pain but he was eager to see you again. To take midnight swims like you guys would do when Brett was alive.

"Marco!" yelled out Brett chucking his eyes closed as you two played a game of Marco Polo at midnight in your backyard pool

"Polo." You say but Brett already knew where you were due to his supernaturally advanced hearing

He heads towards you a grin on his face.

"Marco." He says just for the fun of it as you try to swim farther away from the Beta but you were no match for the werewolf

"Polo." You say following the rules and that when Brett grabs your waist

"Got you." He whispers in your ear

His breath sending shivers down your spine.

"Unfair, you have a total advantage in this game." You pout as you turn towards Brett wrapping your arms around his neck

"Playing Marco Polo was your idea." Brett points out as he picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist

"I know and it was bad one." You say leaning your forehead against Brett's

"I think it was a great idea." He says before kissing you

Brett smiled at the memory. The midnight swims were some of his favorite memories of you together. Just goofing around and having fun together. Brett didn't know if you had moved on from him after he died. But he hadn't and he hoped you would still be in love with him when you joined him here.

   He quickly heads to the golden gates wanting to be there when you arrived. Everyone arrived here. He patiently stood there waiting for you, his love to arrive. Brett smiles as another memory pops up.

Brett Talbot ran to you after he won the big state championship game. He smiled as he picked you up and spun you around.

"You did so good, baby." You said as you cups the sides of his face with your hands

You look at Brett proud of your boyfriend knowing how much this win means to him.

"I couldn't have done it without." says Brett smiling at you

"I love you." You say softly as you smile at him

"I love you too so much." Brett says looking at you lovingly

Brett then kisses you lovingly and happily.

Brett goes back to waiting for you a bit impatiently smiling from the memory. His breath hitches as he sees you walk through the gates looking around a bit confused.

"Y/N!" Brett yells out smiling and waving at you

    You turn your focus to him once you hear the voice. At first you think you're hallucinating until you see him. Your breathe gets knocked out of you as you see him. You run to him happy tears running down your face happy to the brunette beta. Brett catches you in his arms as you jump into him. He wraps his arms around your waist as you wrap yours around his.

"I missed you." You say as you lean your head on Brett's shoulder

"I missed you too, princess." says Brett

You pull away from Brett's shoulder a few seconds later. You softly press your lips to Brett's. He kisses back and that's when this place became true paradise for Brett.

"I love you." Brett says as you guys pull your lips apart

"I love you too. Never leave me again." You say not wanting to lose Brett again as if was the most painful thing you ever went through

"I'm never going to leave you again, Y/N, I promise." says Brett

You lean forward a pressed short soft kiss to Brett's lips.

"So where are we?" You ask

"They call it paradise here." answers Brett as he sets you down

"But it wasn't my paradise till you got here." Brett says smiling down at you as he intertwines his fingers with yours

"I love you." You say happy to finally say those words again to Brett

"I love you too, now come I want to show you around." says Brett smiling dragging you with him as he walks away excited

You chuckles softly at the boy's excitement. It felt good to be here, to be with Brett again.


I don't think I'm ready for tonight.

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