Mistake-Isaac Lahey

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Isaac had broken up with you a few weeks and you were devastated. You were and still are in love with Isaac. He still is in love with you too, but he broke up with you to keep you away from supernatural dangers. You didn't know that, you also didn't know about the supernatural, all he said when he dumped you was it was for the best. That was the worst part for you; that he didn't even really have a reason. It almost would be better to hear him say he wasn't in love with you then try to figure out what it's for the best meant. You sigh softly as you head to the grocery store ready to get your ice cream and get home. As you walk down the street suddenly two figures jump in front of you. You look at the figures a bit confused where they came from and what they wanted.

"You sure this is her?" You hear one of them ask the voice sounding familiar to you

"Yes, I'm sure. Now grab her." The other says making your eyes widen before you start to run

Before you could get too far, strong arms wrap around your waist. You struggle against them scared when you feel something injected in your arm.

"That should put her to sleep." says a voice and that was the last thing you heard before you were consumed by blackness

Isaac walked into school the day after he got the twins in trouble by putting their bikes in the hallway. He walks to his locker to see the twins leaning against it smirking.

"What do you two want?" Isaac asks slightly annoyed

"It's not what we want." smirks Aiden

"It's just that we noticed little Y/N is missing." says Ethan instantly worry and enraging Isaac

"What did you do to her?" He asks pinning Aiden against his locker

"Nothing....but if I were you I would hurry to find her at the place you fear the most." says Aiden pushing Isaac back smirking before Ethan and him walk away

Isaac however immediately runs out heading to where he knew the twins put you. Finally, he makes it to his old house.

"Y/N!" He yells but gets no response

Using his werewolf hearing, he hears your heartbeat rapidly beating. He heads towards your heart beat to make it to the basement door instantly his heartbeat speeds up from the memories of the basement.

Remember this is for Y/N, the love of your life. Thinks Isaac opening the door

Carefully and a bit slowly he heads down the stairs. Listening to your heartbeat he founds out you're in the fridge. Letting out a sigh of fear he heads towards and opens it. He finds a arms, legs, and mouth duct taped, wide eyed you. Just by your eyes, he could tell you were terrified.

"Okay, Y/N, I'm going to take the tape off now." Isaac says softly and you nod still scared

He slowly and gently peels off the tape trying not to hurt you.

"Thanks." You mutter softly

He smiles before he takes the rest of the tape off. Standing up you rub your sore wrists.

"You okay?" asks Isaac helping you out of the fridge

"I think so....what happened?" You ask confused not remembering last night really

"Oh, um, well you see....Aiden and Ethan kind of kidnapped you because I was the one who put their motorcycles in the hallway." stutters out Isaac a little nervous

"Why would they kidnap me?" You ask confused since you and Isaac aren't together anymore.

"I...because they know I'm still in love with you." confesses Isaac

"Isaac, just take me home." You say softly a little pain in your voice

It was easier to think he didn't love you then know he does but for some reason doesn't want to or can't be with you.

"Sure...." he says quietly before he takes you home

"Thanks for saving me, Isaac. I really appreciate it." You say looking at the ground feeling awkward

"Y/N I..I made a mistake. I shouldn't have broken up with you. I miss you and I still love you. I want to be together again." says Isaac causing you to look up at him

"Isaac....I..I don't know what to say. I still love you but you hurt me." You say

"I know, and I regret it. Please Y/N, give me a second chance. All I want is to be back together with you." says Isaac stepping towards you

"Please, Y/N, I love you." says Isaac

"Okay...." You softly agree

"Really?" ask Isaac shocked you said yes making you giggle a little

"Yes, Isaac, really." You answer smiling before Isaac crashes his lips on yours

"I love you." Isaac says as you guys pull away for air

"I love you too." You say before crashing your lips on his this time


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