Valentine's Day 2017

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I love you all <3

The support you give me by reading this journal is so important to me. It makes me happy every time I see votes and I love seeing your comments.

You are loved. You are important. You are valid.

Being in a relationship does not define your worth. You are loved.

Fluffy story of the day:

Today was nice for me. I got people to deliver to my girlfriend 5 boxes of candy, 5 lollipops, and a soda at school that I bought last week. I made her a popup card and taped things in and it was full of puns. Plus a Hamilton reference. Her smile makes my life wonderful. I also made her an origami lily and she wore it in her hair all day. She gave me a really funny card that she found and apparently there's teddy bears coming too but the delivery didn't happen. The card was addressed as a husband Valentine card and mentioned wine, but she crossed it out for cocoa and wrote "boyfriend" with a heart.

People have told us that pretty much all couples in high school don't last, but we're the exception to that rule. People are certain we'll be married later.

Anyways, I hope the cute story time made you smile. You are loved and important <3

Love ya,
<3 ;

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