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I never thought I'd even come to the point where I'm extremely proud of myself. I've never thought I'd have someone fall in love with me. I never thought I'd have a future in my life. I always thought I had no reason to live. But that thought was wrong. As I come across my journey, I've discovered so much, I've found how to love, how to believe, how to trust, and how to move on. I've made my mistakes, I've learned from so much. I've fallen, I've failed. I've been hurt, I've been fixed. This showed me that I'm here for a reason, and I'm here to stay until the day comes where I finish my chapter...


"Amy, get out of bed. It's time for school!" My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I moan then threw the comforter off my body. I throw my feet down to meet the floor, slowly sitting up. Rubbing my eyelids, stretching out my right arm with a loud yawn escaping from my mouth. I slowly stand up and drag myself up out of bed. Another day in a place I'd like to call prison, or hell; it's school.

I walked over to my closet. I search and search but with all these clothes that fill up my entire closet, I couldn't find anything that interests me to wear. I finally gave up searching and pulled out a dark grey hoodie to go with my black leggings and grey (as I call "grandpa") socks. I sit down on the chair by my dresser, I stare at myself in the mirror. "Why can't I be pretty, like as pretty as the girls at my school?" is all I can think. I pick up my foundation and my beauty blender and put that on my face as I continue to add the rest of my makeup (eyeliner, concealor, eye pencil and mascara).

I begin my journey down the stairs with my bag hanging over my shouldiers. I walk into the kitchen to see my mother in her buisness suit rushing around the kitchen trying to gather food for our lunches. I walk up towards the fridge, and opened it to search for something for breakfast. I grabbed an apple then quickly shut the fridge door. I turned to see my mother dialing numbers into her phone and pulling it up to her ear. She turned to face me and smiled then continued to talk on the phone. I walked out of the room, slid my shoes on and walked out the door to head on out for school.

I begin my journey to the outdoors, walking to the end of the block to catch my bus. I pulled out my phone to check it, no texts or calls from my one and only friend who wasn't even standing there at the end of the block like she usually does. I picked up my phone and dialed her number into my phone. "Hello?" a voice spoke through the line.

"Hey, Beth, where are you?" I asked looking all around me to make sure she's not walking from afar. But there was no sighn of her.

"Did you not get my text? I won't be at school today. I have to go to the doctors to get my fucked up knee checked out." she replied.

"Oh, okay. I didn't get anything but its okay. I'll see you later, I guess. Bye." I said as I hung up the phone.

Bethany(but I call her Beth) is my best friend, and really only friend at my school. She's always at my side twenty-four seven. I can't go to school without her. It's better with her. When she's not there, it's living hell. I'm put down twice as much, sometimes I even get beaten down to the ground. It's a terrifying place for myself to be alone in. It's hard to handle.

My bus arrived in a short amound of minutes. I walked on board, was welcomed by the driver and walked to the empty seat in the middle of the bus. I put my earbuds in and played my music on the ride to school. "I'm not prepared to do this, why did I even board the bus? Why am I heading there alone? I'm stupid, I'm dead." I thought to myself as I almost fall into tears.

The bus stopped at the school. As I was trying to get off the bus, I started to get shoved around into seats. I don't know if it was accidental, or if it was on purpose, but I will never know. I got off the bus and walked into the hallways of the London Public School hoping nothing happens to me.

I walked up the stairs towards my locker. Two girls began to walk my way. Amber Thomas and Jenny Looser. The two of the biggest bitches in my school. In their world, I'm the best target. Why? Because I'm the quite and weird one that only has one friend. They constantly throw hurtful words and spread harsh rumours about me, causing more hate to be pushed on me.

"Oh look who came back from the dump," Jenny said as she walked up towards me with that preppy tone in her voice.

"I feel like they forgot to lock it away again," Amber joined in with a chuckle escaping from her mouth.

They both closed me in towards my locker, and stared me down. "Where's your friend? Is she hurt, sick? Or did she realize she was hanging out with such a loser?" Amber spat at me.

"That's none of your business. So can you both just leave?" I choked on my words because I was so scared of them. I never knew what I did that caused them to hate me so much. I've been told that they're just jealous of me and what I've got. What do they got that they don't? They're both beautiful even though they're terrible people, they've got two parents that love them; I have a mother that's never home or pays attention to me. They have money unlike me. They have everything that I wish I had and seem to rub it in my face. It causes me to hate myself.

Jenny shoved me against the locker which caused me to collasp down onto the ground. They both started laughing and walked away. I slowly picked myself up from the ground and went back to opening my locker. I threw my jacket in and grabbed my Chemistry text book and binder, closed it and walked down the hall.

As I walked, I came across a group of guys who were chatting away. I stare at them. I continued to walk by and saw him, Brandon Walters. I've had a crush on this boy since the seventh grade. I always wanted a chance to be with him, although there's no way I'd ever be good enough for him. I looked at him smile at some nasty joke his friend said. The way his eyes closed, his nose crinkles and the way he smile made my heart melt.

"Hey, what are you looking at, creep?" John Rogers, the main guy of the group, screamed which snapped me out of my fantacy world.

The whole group of guys then turned towards me, with blank faces, including Brandon. I put my head down and quickly walked off towards the bathroom where I lost myself into tears. I fell to the floor dropping all my book down. I sat there on the ground, bawling. I rocked back and forth, hugging my knees as I attempt to catch my breath. At this moment, it was very difficult.

The bell ring which caused me to jump up. I picked up my books from the ground and stood up. I looked at my reflection in the mirror to make sure my makeup wasn't a mess. It looked fine but I cleaned up the tears that were going down my cheek, then walked out. I rushed down the hallways, hearing whispers from other people around me, hearing my name in some. I sped walked towards the chemistry room, opened the door, and quickly took a seat at my desk.

I just want today to end already...

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