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My eyes opened to reveal a bright light above me. I sat myself up to look around the room which was white and full of machines. I looked down at my arm which was wrapped with bandages, and my other arm was whired to machinary sitting next to me. I continued to look around the room, and saw my mom sitting in the chair that was sitting in the corner. Here eyes were puffy and red as she was crying for hours, or even days. Her left leg sat over her right leg while her arms were resting on them and her head against her hands. I rest my head back against the pillow, looking up at the tiles on the ceiling.

"Amy?" my mom says softly, walking over towards me in my bed.

She sat down at the edged of the bed, resting her hand down on my knee. Tears continued to escape from her eyes as she leaned in closer to me, hugging me tightly. "I'm so so sorry," she sobbed, "I promise to be there for you, and change myself so you can be happy to."

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes, digging my head into her shoulders. "I'm losing everything, mom. I've screwed up so badly." I cried.

"No, no sweetie," she said as she pulled herself away from me, and grabbed onto my hand, "It's everyone around you who's fucking up. I was so into my job and wanting to improve and impress everyone, I never noticed you were hurting. I thought it was a scam to get my attention. But I almost lost you. I couldn't live with myself if I lost you."

I watched as the door opened infront of me. There in the doorway, there he was. Brandon, with his face beat red, eyes full of tears, and out of breath. "I'm so sorry, I would've been here sooner but I couldn't get out of work," he breathed heavily.

My eyes began to water more, and a smile began to grow onto my face. I sat up reaching my arms out for him. Brandon walked over quickly and fell into my arms and began to sob. "Please forgive me, for everything I said. I was so mad, I didn't know what to believe." he cried.

I lifted his face towards mine and looked into his light green eyes before planting my lips against his. "I'm just so glad you're back. I would never play you like that." I whispered before he smashed his lips against mine once again.

I pulled away, remembering my mom was still sitting in this room. I looked over at her with my cheeks beat red, to her smiling widely. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll tell the doctors that you're up." she said as she stood up and walked out the door.

Brandon looked over at me once again, pressing his forehead against mine. "I love you, Amy Turner." he whispered.

 "I love you too, Brandon Yundt."

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