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"Hey," Brandon said, standing there with a weak smile shown on his face, and his hands placed in his front pockets

I was completely speechless. Why was he at my front door? Also, how the hell did he figure out where I lived? My heart was pounding in my chest, making it difficult to breath at the moment. "Hi," was so far the only word that could escape from my mouth. 

We stood there in awkward silence for a few minutes before I could let out more words. I took a deep breath, and prayed it would help my anxiety cool down. "What are you doing here?" I managed to finally say. 

My heart continued to pound inside my chest; I could feel a lump begin to grow inside my throat. I could feel my legs begin to shake due to anxiety begin to rise up even more. I don't know if Brandon could see if I was extremely nervous, but then he replied by saying, "I just came by to make sure you're alright. And to also apologize. What the guys, Amber, and the other girls did was completely wrong. I should've put a stop to it but I didn't. And I also should've helped you afterwards. I could imagine you were in a lot of pain..."

"Oh.. yea," I cut in anxiously.

He nodded his head, shrugged his shoulders and began to look around the area. He then turned around and walked down the sidewalk to what I believe to head home. I backed into the house, closing the door, and walked back into the living room. I took a seat and began to replay that very moment. To me, it didn't make any sense what so ever on why he came over to do such a thing. But at the very same time, it was probably the best thirty seconds of my life; having Brandon standing in front of me, actually speaking to me was just amazing. He has never once noticed me in any classes we've been in together. But as of today, after that incident with his friends and Amber's group, he's spoken to me, came within 5 feet of me. It sounds very crazy but to me, it's truly a dream come true.

The clock hit 9:30 PM and I haven't received a call from my mother yet. I begin to feel myself drifting off into sleep mode. I turn the TV off, grabbed my phone and walked up towards the stair case. As I took a step up, I felt my phone buzzing. I looked at the screen for it's my mother calling me. "Hello?" I answered.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" She spoke through the speaker.

"I'm fine. How's the meeting in Toronto?" I asked.

"It was alright. Nothing special besides big numbers, and talking about adding more taxes to payments. But I'm calling more to discuss about what your chemistry teacher said to me. Why are you so behind in that class?" Anger began to rise into her voice, causing me to get extremely anxious, and lose control of my breathing.

"The class --- it's just --- difficult. And -- and it's just --- just hard to follow up on and --- and catch up." I was losing my breath, and the room began to spin. I was beginning to lose my balance.

"Amy, you better get your grades up. I'm getting very sick of your so called issues that you have. What you have is bullshit, and there is no way in hell that's going to become an excuse for why your grades are lowering. Your so called 'anxiety' and 'depression' the doctor says you have is all just attention seeks and lies. Grow up, you're 18 years old. You better start acting like you are or you're out of my hands." She snapped and hung up.

I dropped to the stairs, and sat down. I rested my back against the wall, and I begin to sob. I started to punch myself in the arm, my legs and eventually my chest as I screamed about the pain I was putting myself in. After I eventually cooled myself, and stopped punching, I held onto my knees and rested my head down onto them. I begin to scream and I felt the water build up in my eyes, flowing down my cheeks as if it were the falls. I began to crawl up the stairs towards my bedroom. I lifted myself onto my bed, throwing my phone to the other end. I wrap myself in my blanket and rested my head on my pillows. I continue to sop when eventually everything went dark. And my mind went to a happy place. My dreams

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