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I sat on the couch watching Modern Family as I looked down at my wrist, revealing scars along my arm. It's been a week since a sharp edge has touched my wrist. Bethany and Brandon each took turns watching over me. One would come after another as they worked their asses off for money. At this moment, Beth sits at my side. I could hear her crunching on ketchup potato chips, smirking at some stupid joke that was said on the television.

My mind continues with racing thoughts about Brandon, Amber, Jenna and their group. Not only on them, but also on my mother who has been acting very strange with me lately. Although she's never home now, she calls and texts me every night, when she's home she's all cheery and full of positive energy and she actually hugs me comforts me when I need it. As much as I like it, it weird's me out. I may have not cut or have done anything to myself that hurts me, it doesn't stop the fact that my anxiety rises leaving me having thoughts of hurting or even killing myself.

I snap out of my thinking when I heard Beth scream my name. I jolted up to face her with my eyes widening due to her scaring me. She laughs before she spoke, "Hey want to go for a walk?"

I nodded my head as I stood up and walked towards the door. We slipped on our shoes then headed out. We walked down my driveway, turning right to walk along the sidewalk. We walk about 20 minutes before we arrived to downtown and stopped at the stop lights. I looked over at Beth to she her watch around the street at the cars driving by. "Where are we going?" I asked her.

"You'll see," she smirked.

The walk sign came up on the lights; we walked across the street and continued to walk down the side walk. Looking around at the hundreds of people walking around us. For some reason, seeing every couple walking around made me miss Brandon a whole lot more. I haven't seen Brandon in a few days which makes me worry about what he's doing. We'd text but he'd reply late or wouldn't reply at all. I knew that he'd probably be working but that doesn't stop the fact that I think he'd be with another girl, or even worse, Amber.

Bethany and I arrived at the mall. We walked in and began to walk around the stores. American Eagle, Ardenes, Blue Notes, Pink, any store we could go into. We tried on a few clothes, Bethany did some shopping for herself while I just looked around. I don't have the money to do any shopping; I have no money for anything to afford anything.

I felt my phone buzz like crazy. I pulled it out while Bethany paid for the clothes she picked out. I opened the message from an unknown number:

UNKNOWN: we can all c u bitch.

I looked up around me. Who's this? Is this Jenna? Amber? My stomach tied into knots, my head started to feel heavy, things began to spin around. My throat felt clogged up making it difficult to breath. I could feel sweat dripping down my face; feeling extremely hot in the room. Beth turned around and ran over to me. "You need to go sit down," she whispered as she grabbed the bag from behind her before helping me walk out of the store.

We walked out towards an area of chairs. She sat me down before taking a seat next to me. "What the hell happened?" she asked.

I once again felt my phone buzz to see another unknown number texting me:

UNKNOWN: rest up, we're coming 4 u.

Bethany took my phone as she read the spam messages. She looked up at me, before helping me stand up. "We need to get you out of here, NOW," she snapped.

She picked up her bags, took my hand, and we sped walk down the mall towards the exit. We walked out of the mall and down the parking lot. I felt my phone buzz again. "No, no, no," I cried as I pulled it out.

UNKNOWN: did u gain weight? r u pregnant ;)

UNKNOWN: u ugly fatass. we r coming 4 u. running aint stopping us.

UNKNOWN: lol wheres ur bf? y is beth with u?

UNKNOWN: my god ur looking uglier as i get closer lol.

I felt Bethany come up closer to me to look at the messages. "Amy, let's go," she said pulling me along.

My phone buzzed once again. I picked it up as Beth walked towards me and looked down at my phone. My breathing got extremely heavy as I read the message once again:

UNKNOWN: turn around u fat ass. lol.

We both turned around. We both stood there. I couldn't move, I was terrified. "Amy, we have to run," Beth panicked.

Amber, Jenna and 4 other girls moved closer to us. "Why bother? We'd find her anyways," Jenna growled.

The 4 girls walked towards Bethany holding her back from doing anything as Amber and Jenna moved closer to me. Amber raised her hand as it flung against my cheek causing me to fall over. The burning feeling rises as I yelp in pain. I attempt to stand up but Jenna's leg smacked below my chin, feeling a crack causing me to scream, and fall back down onto the grown. The pain was sharp, and my chin didn't feel like it was in the proper place. I could taste blood inside my mouth, causing me to throw up. Red liquid dripped out of my mouth, staining the side of my lip. They both began to kick below my rib cage, causing cracking and aching pain to rise, making me scream and cry out. I heard Beth scream my name, trying to fight through the girls to come help me.

After Jenna and Amber were done with their fun, they both knelled down next to my weak body while I cried and moaned in pain. "STOP HURTING HER SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG TO YOU!!" Beth screamed.

"She stole my boy, she completely deserved it. Besides, she's just a fuck up. Brandon won't last with her. She's too ugly, fat, oh and let's not forget about her scars," she smirked as she lifted my shirt part way revealing scars up my side.

I could hear the girls around me laugh at me before they walked away. Amber stayed put for a few seconds as I heard Beth come running over to me. "Amy, are you okay?" she asked.

I breathed heavily. All I could feel was the pain aching up my body. "By the way, you should thank your 'bff' for bringing you here to meet us," Amber laughed as she stood up and walked way.

"What?" I breathed out.

"I'm so so sorry, Amy," Bethany cried. 

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