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Bethany and I sat down on the couch. She was holding out her phone, scrolling through the messages between her and Amber. My heart sunk deeper and deeper every message I read;


AMBER THOMAS: ur such a fake bitch. especially since u hang with that amy chick. u know all that shit with brandon is all crap right?

BETHANY PETERS: Ya no, that isn't true. I watched the way he treated her yesterday, I believe his actions are true and real. I don't believe in any of your bullshit, Amber. So I suggest you back off and let them be happy.

AMBER THOMAS: oh ur just as gullible as amy. im friends with him and the other boys. im friends with everyone. i know things u 2 dont know. and i know john aka brandons friend, and brandon planned this whole thing to make sure amy for sure gets hurt becuz she deserves it

BETHANY PETERS: Why does she deserve it? What did she ever do to you guys? Amy is wonderful and you guys keep tearing her apart. She's done nothing bad. She's done nothing wrong. You need to grow up , all of you do. Amy deserves to be happy, and Brandon isn't faking this, it's real and he's making her happy. Grow up and deal with it, bye.

AMBER THOMAS: i tried 2 tell u so. u have fun with ur whore of a friend, if she even stays alive any longer. u know how much she loves to try 2 kill herself. bye 2 u bitch.


Beth shut her phone off and put it away. She loved over at me. I was drowning in my tears. I threw my head in my hands, resting them on my knees. My heart was shattered, my stomach was aching. I felt the feeling of Bethany's hand rubbing my back softly. "Everything will be alright, we both know it's not true," she whispered as she hugged me tightly.

"How do we know that? What if she's right?" I sobbed, "I'm not pretty, I'm not skinny, I'm a loser. Everyone hates me! I'm alone. Why would a handsome, perfect guy like Brandon go after me?"

"Amy, that's full on bullshit," Beth said.

"No, it's not! It's ALL FUCKING TRUE!" I screamed as I stood up. I walked out of the room, stormed up the stairs towards my room.

"Amy, what are you doing?!" Beth yelled from the living room.

I slammed my door shut screaming, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"

I fell onto my bed, sobbing. I tried to keep my breathing under control, but that was difficult. I rocked myself back and forth on my bed, trying to keep myself calm, no need for another emergency room visit. I grabbed one of my pillowed that were sitting next to me and started to hug it tightly, crying into it. My heart was aching, my mind was going insane with thoughts. I heard my name being called from downstairs, I completely ignored it and continued to scream into my pillow as tears rushed down my cheeks.

I stood up, I made my decision that I'll make me hate myself more for doing, Beth will hate and so will Brandon. I walked over to my dresser and opened up the drawer. I pulled out the knife that sat underneath my clothing. I took it and sat down on the floor. I pulled up my sleeve, glaring down at revealing scars left from the cuts a few days ago. I pressed the knife down onto my inner arm, I sliced deeply, causing blood to rush out of my arm. I whimpered in pain, as much as I deserve it and need it. I moved the sharp blade up and sliced again. Blood began to drip down onto my carpet floor, staining it. My breathing got heavier and heavier, groaning in pain, but it makes myself feel better. Before I could place another cut, my door flung open. There stood Bethany and Brandon. They both came rushing in, Beth took the blade from my arm, and Brandon held onto me tightly as I cried loudly, "NO, I NEED TO DO THIS, I SHOULDN'T BE HERE."

Brandon held onto me tighter as I sobbed into his chest, while Beth tried to wrap up my arm with bandages. Brandon kissed my forehead, and lifted my chin up so I'd look at him. "Don't listen to Amber, please," I watched tears come out of his eyes while he spoke, "You know her, always saying bullshit so you'd hurt yourself. Please, Amy, believe me when I say I love you."

He wiped the tears off of my cheek before planting his lips onto them. I looked up at Beth who was in tears, with her hand covering her mouth. She knelled down next to me and hugged me tightly, "Don't ever EVER forget that I love you as well, no matter what," she whispered.

Brandon pressed his lips against my forehead as Beth's arm wrap tighter around me. I slowly caught my breath, and calmed down from all my crying and screaming. "Thank you, both of you, for being here for me.." I mumbled.

They both looked at each other and smiled as they looked down at me. I yawned loudly and closed my eyes as I snuggled closer to Brandon. "I'll leave you two alone," I heard Beth whispered to Brandon, "Make her happy for me."

I heard Beth walk out of the room. I suddenly felt myself go up in the air, and moved, falling onto a soft surface which I believe to be my bed. I could feel Brandon tucking me in under the blankets, then climb into bed, lying next to me. He wrapped his arms around me then kissed my cheek softly, whispering, "Sleep well, my princess."

Butterflies in my stomach were flying around and going insane in my stomach as those words escape from his mouth. I could feel my lips form a smile, which is a very rare thing to see on my face lately. My heart melted as the phrase he spoke repeated in my head millions of times. I'm a princess to somebody, I'm beautiful to somebody, I'm loved by somebody, I found somebody that's making me happy and feel special. My only home is to not be played and broken, like Amber wants..

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