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"Amy?" I heard someone's faded voice speak.

I slowly opened my eyes to a blurry face looking down at me, moving around. I blinked multiple times trying to regain my vision. "Amy," the voice repeated getting louder.

My vision slowly began to get better as I began to few the facial line of Brandon's face. My hearing got clearer, understanding Brandon's voice calling my name. "What?" I mumbled.

"Oh thank God," he whispered as he pulled me in closer to him.

I heard aplause go on in the background, looking around the crowd surounding us. He held his hand out as I used it as support to stand up. I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tightly. He walked me to our table, my stomach ties into several nots staring down at my food. I looked up at Brandon who was shoving his big mac down his throat. I looked down at my wrap and took tiny bites at a time off of it.

"Hey," Brandon snapped, "Eat. Don't worry about eating around me. You need to eat."

I then took a full mouth bite out of my chicken wrap. I looked up seeing him smile bigger. I could feel my face heating up and I can imagine it being as red as a tomato.

After we finished our food, we got up and threw our trash away before heading out the door. He took my hand and tangled our fingers around each other. His hand fits perfect with mine, as if it was meant to be. We walked down the street towards the river. We walked down the trail looking at nature surrounding the area. I would move and hold onto Brandon tighter as we walked by ducks, swans and geese due to my fear of them. He would laugh and attempt to push me foward towards them but I would jump onto him more every time.

This day has been perfect with Brandon. My heart kept skipping beats every moment he held me closer, kiss me, or played jokes with me. He makes me so happy, I couldn't imagine a better day with him. My most favourite thing was sitting on the bridge with him, his arm was wrapped around me, and my head rest on his shoulder. He told me some of his childhood stories, making me laugh and a times surprised. We stood up to watch the sun set. His arms wrapped around my waste, turning me around to face him. His hand was placed on my cheek, pulling my face closer to his, pressing his lips onto mine. Just like my dream, it was coming true. It was perfect, beautiful. Butterflies went nuts, sparks like the fourth of July fireworks were going off in my mind the more heated the kiss would get. I couldn't ask for a better day.


We sat on my bed, with our lips pressed against each other. It was getting intense. The kisses were heated. I wanted him. I wanted him to be all mine. I want to give him my all. I lifted his shirt, revealing his bare skin. He threw it off and onto the floor before connecting our lips together. He pulled away lifting my shirt, fully taking it off and throwing it across the room. He traced his fingers over my scars before leaning down kissing every single spot on my sides and my stomach that had any marks. "Do they not gross you out?" I whispered.

He looked up at me, putting his hands on my cheeks before smashing his lips onto mine. He pulled away and mumbled, "You are so beautiful in my eyes. Scars don't change the fact that I think you're the most beautiful girl in the entire world."

I quickly threw myself onto him, pressing my lips onto his. I then laid down as he went ontop between my legs. He continued to kiss my lips then started to trace his lips down my neck down to my stomach, towards the top of my jeans. He put his hands on the belt loop then looked up at me. "Are you sure about this, Amy?" he asked me.

I nodded in agreement. My stomach had confusing feelings. It was full of nots but yet, butterflies and sparks continued to go off. This excited me. I've only dreamed of this moment with Brandon. Nothing makes me happier than giving the man I love my all.

He undid my belt before unbottoning my jeans and sliding them off, revealing my underwear. He moved up to meet my lips once again. Passionately kissing me as I unbuttoned his jeans and attempting to slide them down. He pulled away and took his jeans off fully, leaving us both in our undergarmets. I smiled as I traced my hand down his chest towards his boxers. "God, I'm so lucky." I quietly said looking up at him.

He moved forward so our eyes fully met. His green eyes hypnotized me. I fall harder everytime I look into them. He moved his lips towards my ears, whispering, "I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you be my girl."

My heart melt inside, causing me to smile widely. I turned his head so I could press my lips onto his hard. He sat me up as he unbuckled my bra and throwing it down to the floor. That's when the final moment was left. I pulled down his boxers, revealing something I thought I'd never see on a guy. He moved his hand down towards my bottoms left, sliding them off fully as I kicked them off onto the floor. He moved it down towards my area before doing one last look at me asking once again, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I want you to be my first, even if I'm not yours," I whispered.

He moved up forcing himself inside of me, pressing his lips against. Moans both escape from out mouths. Butterflies were going completely insane inside my stomach. My heart continues beating, and at points skipping beats due to the arrousment between us. I can't believe I'm doing this with myself. Giving myself to Brandon within the matter of weeks we've been together may sound insane. But I believe he's something good to me, something that'll stick to me for a long time. He makes me internally happy, he has made a huge impact on me within the few weeks together. He stuck by my side, he supported me.

He pulled himself out, finishing and splashing himself over my stomach. He moved forward and pressed his sweet lips against mine. "I love you so much," he mumbled.

"I love you so much more," I replied with a smile appearing on my face.

I've never been happier. And I hope things stay like this for a while. This is what I need. I need happiness. And he's brought that. 

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