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I woke up to lips being pressed against mine. I looked up to see Brandon standing there with a plate of food in his hands. Steak, mashed potatoes, and corn bits under a pool of gravy. I sat up with a smile on my face as he placed the plate down on the blanket that sat above my thighs. I took the fork and knife from his other hand and began to dig into my meal. Brandon sat down next to me, watching me stuff my face, which to myself I felt embarrassed. I hate eating in front of boys for some odd reason, especially Brandon who is a guy I'm falling extremely hard for, harder every second I see him.

"How does it taste?" He asked.

I was in love with it. The food. It had actual flavor, spices, it was heavenly. I'm not use to this kind of cooking, I'm use to fast food or food poising that my mother cooks; when she's home. I continued shoving the food down my throat while giving him a thumbs up. He chuckled, I could feel my face start to burn due to embarrassment. I swallowed the food that was in my mouth before I spoke, "I'm sorry, I probably looked ridiculous."

"What? No," he said as he wrapped his arm around me, "I'm not laughing at the way you were eating. Eating is part of being a human, and everyone has their own ways of eating. It's just cute how you stuff your face like that. You look like a cute chipmunk."

I giggled. I took my fork and ate the last little bit of food that was left on my plate. "Your cooking is just so good. I'm not use to it. My mom basically poisons me with her cooking, I eat fast food or I don't eat at all," I explained.

"I understand," Brandon smiled, "Explains how that went down within two minutes."

I laughed and stood up with my plate in my hand. I walked towards my door as Brandon followed behind. We walked downstairs, into the kitchen. I placed my plate into the sink and began to run the water. I felt Brandon's arms wrap around me from behind as he kissed my cheek. A smile grew on my face, I filled my hands with water and splashed him as I turned around. He backed off and walked to the other end of the kitchen. I couldn't help but laugh at the way he reacted, not expecting anything like that to happen while he tried to be all romantic.

He came running towards me, I attempted to run away but he was too quick. He picked me up from behind and spun me around, as I screamed and laughed all at once. Brandon put me back down on my feet, and looked down at me. He rests his hands on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck. I stood on my tip toes as I smashed my lips against his. He pulled me in closer to his body as he picked me up and carried me to the living room, with our lips still attached. It was getting hot, intense. I felt a knot develop in my stomach as he tried to take my shirt off. I pulled myself away, trying to catch my breath. Not because of making out, but because of my anxiety. "I'm sorry," I said anxiously, "I, I've just never done this before. And I don't feel ready."

"Don't worry about it," Brandon said as he wrapped his arms around me, "I understand. I don't want to force you into it either. I'll only do that only if you want me to."

I nodded in agreement. He kissed my forehead before I placed it down onto his shoulder. Before I knew it, I was sound asleep once again, next to Brandon.

It was intense. Lying in bed, feeling Brandon's hands run up and down my body. I want him. Only him. He lifts his shirt up, revealing his bare chest. I place my hand against it has he smashes his lips against mine. His lips trace towards my cheek, down my neck, leaving chills run through my spine. He lifts my shirt, revealing several, nasty scars showing. My arms, stomach, hips. He looks up at me, "That's fucking disgusting," he said with disgust, "I don't want to be with a girl with those showing everywhere. That's just embarrassing."

I sat there, insecure. I was afraid of this to happen. I put down my shirt. I looked over to my right, where I saw Amber, John, Jenny and even Brandon standing there. The all look at me, standing there holding my books in my arms. They all come walking towards me. Chuckling, and laughing. I backed right into the wall. I stood face to face with Brandon who held a knife to my throat. "This world would be a better fucking place without your disgusting body and face here," he snapped.

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