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"What's wrong?" Brandon asked while looking up from his phone.

"Why is Amber messaging you?" I snapped with tears forming in my eyes.

My stomach was aching, having the constant need to throw up. The thing is, whatever wanted to come up, it wanted to stay down, clogging my insides, making it difficult to breath. Brandon continued on his phone, with no explanation to why that bitch was texting my boy. I trust him, but at this moment, I don't know what to believe. My mind was going completely insane with thoughts in my mind. Is he using me to get to Amber? Is Amber his actual girlfriend? Is he cheating on Amber with me? Did they plan something so I'd get hurt so I'd kill myself? That's what I want, death. Slicing my wrist, shoving pills down my throat, hanging my neck from a rope.

I stood up from my bed, starring him down. He looked up and held his phone to my face, showing the conversation between him and her;

BRANDON WALTERS: i dont know what ur up to Amber, but u need to stop.

AMBER THOMAS: stop what? ur the one with the idea ;)

BRANDON WALTERS: wtf r u talking about? U stop with this bullshit. grow up.

AMBER THOMAS: oh i c, shes rite there beside u, ur pretending this is all real ;)

BRANDON WALTERS: no amber, seriously stop. i love amy.

AMBER THOMAS: lmao ur a joke brandon. i know what ur up to. u and john planned this thing. hes told me everything.

BRANDON WALTERS: told u what? i never talked to john about anything. john knows nothing about what i have with amy. amy makes me happy. and if u and him change ur minds about me becuz im with her, then u two are stupid and assholes. amy is beautiful. amy is perfect. and what u do to her is bullshit. she doesnt deserve it. ive been holding this in for so long, it needs to come out. i love amy turner with all my heart. shes strong, amazing and again oh so beautiful. u can go fuck urself, so can john. im going to stick by her side, and so will beth. u guys can back off and leave her alone.

AMBER THOMAS: ur making a mistake brandon, or is this amy hacking u? either way u r going to regret this. have fun fuckin around with each other. becuz itll end soon. ill tell u that. im talking to john about this.

BRANDON WALTERS: fine have fun with that bitch. cya.

AMBER THOMAS: kisses, ur an asshole.

I looked up from his phone to his teary eyes. I threw his phone on my bed before pressing my lips against his. I looked into his eyes before saying 'sorry' ten million times as I hug him tighter and tighter each time. He pulled my face up to look at his, "Stop with the sorry's," he said, "it's fine. You didn't know. It's my fault for not saying anything to you."

I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight. I felt him bury his head in my neck, pulling me closer to him. I felt my stomach rumble, but also feeling him jump away from me. "Did that scare you?" I asked.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled in fear.

"That was my stomach," I laughed. "I'm getting hungry."

"Well baby girl," he said as he stood up, holding his hand out, "let us go get you some food. Shall we go out?"

I took his hand as I nodded in agreement. I stood up, letting go of his hand and walked towards my mirror. I fixed my makeup up, feeling his arms wrap around my waste. He kissed down my neck as he mumbled, "You don't need any of those products. You are just as perfect without it."

I could feel my cheeks heating up, burning as I smile widely. I could feel his lips form a smirk against my neck as he continued to drag his lips down. His hands traced up and down underneath my shirt against my scars, making me feel relaxed. Once I finished redoing my face, I turned to him a slightly pushed him towards the bed. "I need to change so either close your eyes, or leave the room," I said.

"But can't I watch you change? I won't do anything I promise," he smirked.

"Nope," I laughed while I walked towards my closet. I picked out a tank top and grey plaid shirt to go with it, before I turned around to checked to see if his eyes were closed or he left the room. He was there, starring. "Brandon, seriously," I softly snapped.

I watched him close his eyes before turning around to take off my shirt, just revealing my bra. After I threw my tank top on, I put threw on my plaid shirt before turning around to see Brandon's eyes wide open with his jaw nearly hitting the ground. "You're so beautiful," he whispered.

"I thought I told you to close your eyes or something and not look at me," I said as I searched my closet for a pair of jeans so I could change out of my sweat pants.

"I did, but I ended up opening my eyes at the right moment," he said as he stood up and walked towards me.

I found a pair of skinny jeans and pulled them out of my closet. I turned to see his jaw drop again, before I chased him towards the door, shutting it in his face. I changed out of my leggings into a fresh pair of underwear and threw on my jeans. I tucked my tank top inside them before throwing a belt around my waste. I walked over to the door, opening it to reveal Brandon with puckered lips and his arms stretched out. I walked into his arms, pressing my lips against his before we walked down the stairs towards the door. We threw on our shoes before we walked out the door.

We walked up McDonald's parking lot, laughing at some stupid joke Brandon told me. He opened the door letting me go in first. The second door, he opened because I struggled to open it myself (sadly, it's very true, it was heavy). We walked up to the big screen where we placed our order. I looked at him as he pulled out his debit card, paying for our meal before taking the receipt that had our order number on it. "I feel bad," I said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you're constantly paying for meals for me. I feel like I should be paying for some," I explained.

"Baby, you don't have to worry about that," he spoke as he squeezed my hand, "I don't mind paying for food, or any of your needs. As long as you're happy."

I smiled at him before kissing his cheek. Our order number was called by the cashier, Brandon walked up to grab it while I went to go to the washroom. I went and did my business, then walked out of the stall to go wash my hands. I looked up in the mirror to see someone standing there behind me.

"Hello, dirt bag," Amber smirked before throwing me down to the floor, and everything went black. 

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