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I apologize for posting later and later lately. And I also apologize that this chapter is really shitty. I'll continue writing and editing, and eventually post more soon.. ~Ari


"Y-you set me up?" I cried.

"No, I didn't," she replied with tears falling from her eyes, "I had no idea she'd be here. I thought taking you out for a girls day would be helpful."

I continued to sob. I'm unable to move from the ground. My body was aching, as if I was dying slowly from being stabbed hundreds of times. Everywhere from below my nose began to burn, feeling like I'm being burned alive. I couldn't look at Beth. She suddenly became an enemy to me, for this.

I heard sirrons come from the distance, getting closer and closer by the minute. "Over here, please help her!" I heard Beth scream.

I don't know what the fuck she's doing. For someone who clearly 'set me up', she sure is in a rush to help me. I slowly attempt to move my head up, but failed. I groaned in pain, feeling Beth's arms wrap around me, bringing her head to mine, sobbing quietly. "Brandon," I mumbled.

"I'll call him," she cried, "Please stay with me."

Eventually, the pain stopped. Everything went numb, and everything went black


I woke up in a familiar white room. I slowly sat myself up as my eyes adjusted to the bright room. I looked around, and as I looked to my right, I saw Brandon, sitting in a chair next to the bed, with his head rested in his hands, while his elbows rest on his knees. I lifted my arm slowly, slightly poking his arm. His head jolted up, and jumped out of his chair to hug me. I groaned hin pain causing him to move back quickly.

"How are you feeling, beautiful?" he asked me.

"Really fucking sore," I mumbled as I tried to get myself comfortable in the bed.

He sat down in the chair, then dragged himself closer to me. He rested his hand ontop of mine, rubbing his thumb against it. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you," he whispered as tears escaped from his eyes.

"Hey, it's not your fault," I quietly said, "You had to work. Beth was suppose to be watching over me."

"I should've known though," he said, "She seemed so off when I texted her."

"Please, don't blame yourself, Brandon," I replied as I shook my head.

I took my free hand and reached towards Brandon's face, whiping the tears that were falling from his cheeks. I pulled his face closer, causing him to stand up so he'd be closer to me. I then planted my lips against his. The pain suddenly just dropped, I couldn't feel it anymore. I felt as free as a bird, as light as a feather. I pulled away, I felt a smile grow on my face, causing Brandon to smile back and say, "I love you so much, Amy. You'll never understand how much I love and admire your strength."

"Brandon, you're too sweet. I love you so, so, so much," I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"Are you alright?" Brandon asked with a worried tone in his voice.

"I'm perfectly fine," I replied with a smile, "I'm just so happy and so lucky to have you."

He leaned his head in to press his forhead against mine. He rested his free hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb to whipe away the tears falling to my cheeks. He rubbed his nose against mine, making a giggle escape from my lips. My eyes widen to embarassment, thinking that I've ruined the most romantic moment. "That was adorable," Brandon smiled.

My cheeks felt like they were on fire. This boy is so perfect in so many ways. It's hard to believe this is real. He then connected his lips to mine, making butterflies in my stomach fly insane, feeling fireworks and sparks fly between us. He continued to kiss me softly until a knock on the door interupted us. We pulled away to see the doctor standing there. Brandon moved away from the bed so the doctor could take a look and check if everything was alright.

As the doctor spoke, I payed no attention. All my attention was on Brandon. How his eyes sparkled, although tears escaped from them constantly. The way his face stares, focused on the doctors words, showing emotion, that he cares about my health and safty. The way his hands were folded, the way he leaned forward, interested to know how I was doing. I snapped out of my thoughts when the doctors voice broke through. "We will get you the walking cast and crutches ready, and should have you out in a few hours."

I nodded in agreement, understanding that I had some kind of fracture in my left foot. I watched the doctor leave the room, and heard Brandon's chair slide forward closer to me. My attention turned to him as he placed his hand on my head. He began to rub it softly, then began to stroke his fingers through my hair. "I'm so glad there's nothing too major wrong with you," he spoke quietly.

I smiled as his face came closer to mine, attaching our lips together.

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