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"Ms Turner, I will have to hold you in overnight due to your suicidal thoughts, we are unsure if you'd be safe to go home tonight. We believe for your safety, this would be the best. We have notified your mother about what has happened and what is going on. I believe from what she has explained to us over the phone, she will be here in a short matter of hours." Doctor Howered, my family doctor, explained to me.

I nodded my head in agreement. I watched his turn around to walk out the door. I looked up at Brandon who was standing next to me, as he looked down at me giving me a weak smile. Then I looked over at Bethany who was sitting on the chair by the bed, playing on her phone.

"I'll stay with you tonight, if that's okay with you," Brandon asked.

I nodded my head. He raised my hair up towards his lips, and kissed my hand. I smiled widely at him. He rubbed his thumb against my hand. I looked over at Beth, who was smirking in her chair. "Do you want to stay too, Beth?" I asked.

"No its cool, you two spend your time together, I'll go home," she replied, "Get well soon. Text me when you're home." She got up off her chair and walked out the hospital room door towards the exit.

As Bethany walked out, my mother walked in the same moment. I jumped up from my bed, panicing. "Mom, its not what it looks like," I said with a panicky tone in my voice.

"Really? An attention scam? Are you kidding me, Amy?" my mother snapped.

"What? No!" I cried.

"This wasn't attention, Mrs. Turner---" Brandon pitched in.

"Excuse me, it's Ms. Anderson, thank you, young man." she hissed. She looked at him with quite the glare, I believe it was terrifying poor Brandon. I could feel his grip get tighter on my hand.

"Amy, you really need to grow up. This whole anxiety disorder is complete bullshit and an old excuse to get out of things you don't want to. I'm getting so sick of getting a call from Beth or the doctor saying that you did a stupid thing to yourself that caused you to be in emerge. If you don't learn to grow up, I'm done taking care of you, you can take care of yourself and find somewhere else to live. I've had enough with your scams that bring me home when I'm in the middle of working on a big project. You're grounded for a week, you're going to have your grandmother staying with you until I get home." she continued to snap. 

I burst into tears once she walked out of the room. Brandon held onto me tight, attempting to make me feel protected and cared about. In reality, I'm just a scam, just like my mother states..


I woke up to see the room was pitch black. I looked down room towards where I was facing. I went to go roll over but felt something rough next to me. I moved my hand behind me and started to feel what was there. I felt it move, then felt a light tickle in my side, then felt arms pull be closer to it. I then felt lips press onto my shoulder. I realized then, it was Brandon sound asleep next to me. I snuggled in closer to him as he pulled me in tighter. I was in heaven in that moment, and closed my eyes once again and drifted off into slumber.

The view over the city was beautiful. The view from the mountain top was breath taking. Watching the sun set as I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I felt lips press down against my cheek, as they flush to a pinkish-red colour. I looked behind me to view Brandon's face. The way his smile brightened up my heart, causing a breath taking and heart melting feeling. I turn around to face him, looking deep into those gorgeous green eyes of his. He rests his hand on my cheek, rubbing his thumb against it as his other hand pulls me closer to his body. He lifts my chin up as he places his lips against mine. Fireworks burst off in the background causing butterflies to go insane inside my stomach.

"Wake up, beautiful," Brandon whispers as he kisses my cheek.

I roll over slowly to face him, moaning and groaning. He chuckles realizing I was nowhere near ready to wake up. I slowly sat up, stretching out my arms, opening my eyes to the amount of brightness, blinding me for seconds. After rubbing my eyes one last time, I turn to Brandon who was standing there next to the bed. He held up a bag of I believe were clothes for me. He set them down as I look inside. I look up at him giving a weak smile(due to me being half asleep). He kisses my forehead before he walks out of the room so I could get changed.

I walked out minutes later with better clothing on than the hospital dress and my makeup all fixed up. Brandon walked over towards me and took my hand as we walked towards the exit of the hospital.

We got outside and began our walk towards my house. Brandon was talking about his job and how much he enjoys working at Home Hardware. I can't help but smile because of how happy he was. His smile made my heart melt, it was heavenly. I can't express or explain how happy he's been making me feel in this short thirty minute walk. This walk didn't feel as long as it should have, it only felt like seconds.

We walked up my driveway up to my front door. I turned to him as he cupped my face into his hands. He rubbed his thumb against my cheek causing me to blush hardcore. His face came closer to mine, feeling his lips on my lips, causing butterflies to go nuts in my stomach. He pulled away after a second and intertwined out fingers. I looked up into his eyes. All I could see was the sight of worry in his facial expression. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm just worried about leaving you alone," he explained, "Are you sure you're going to be okay? I can call into work if I need to."

"I'll be fine, go to work," I smiled weakly.

"Alright, call me if there's anything going on. I'll come over after work." He kissed my forehead as I opened the door behind me. He walked towards the sidewalk, turning to wave. I wave back as I closed the door.

I looked out the window, watching him walk down the sidewalk. He looked so handsome, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I pulled myself away from the window and pulled out my phone. I dialed Beth's number, and put the phone to my ear. I heard it ring about 3 times before she picked up the phone. "Hello?" she mumbled.

"Hey, I'm home. Want to come over?" I asked her.

"Why? Brandon not around to take care of your sorry ass?" she snapped.

"Excuse me?" My heart sank.

"Nothing. I'll be over in a few. By the way, Amber messaged me. Brandon is fucking faking this," she said as she hung up the phone.

I felt my heart shatter into several pieces, causing me to lose myself. I fell against the wall, landing on my ass. I banged my head against the wall, closing my eyes, and trying to hold my breathing together. I grasp onto my arm, digging my nails into my scars. No. No this can't be happening. It's true. It's all fucking true. Self hate has taken over me once again. I want to shoot myself. There's no way in hell I can continue being around if all I'm going to be is just an abused toy. 

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