Chapter 4: Same Old Shit/Relieve Your Mind

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Happy Valentine's Day! <3 Love you guys!


Kelly's POV

I didn't know what to feel. I mean damn, I felt bad for Dustin and I didn't know what else I could possibly do. I know he wasn't trying to do this on purpose, but even when he and Faith were on good terms, he still continued to make her sad and depressed all over again.

I thought we left that shit in the past; it's been 6 months. Why say that you supported our relationship and then 6 months later, say you don't?

I wanted so bad to talk to him and ask him what the hell was up. This was a constant thing that's been happening, and this was the last thing that Faith needed. She was finally seeing the bright side of things and getting the happiness she deserved and Dustin was doing nothing but setting her back and putting her right back into the state she was in a year ago.

I didn't want that to happen. If Faith went through her depression again, I don't know what I'd do. It was devastating seeing her the way she was when she had that false pregnancy; just imagining if she got back into that state would be heartbreaking because I wouldn't know how to fix it.

I know it probably wasn't my place to fix this, but Faith was my woman and I loved the hell out of her. I would do anything for her. I hated seeing her sad and depressed, especially when we were just friends, but now that she was my woman, this was different. I wanted to do everything in my power to make sure that she was okay.

I was on my way to rehearsal; I was going to keep my promise to Faith and not say anything, but I was gonna keep my eye on him.

I was more worried about Dustin than upset and I'm sure Faith felt the same.. This shit isn't healthy, and I know how much Faith means to him, but he's gotta let her be happy. But how could he when he's not happy?



I walked into the dance studio, greeted by some loud music. I was ready to get this over with so that I could get back home so that I could be there for her.

Dustin was sitting near the stereo, bobbing his head to the music that was blasting from the stereo. I don't even think he noticed me walk in the room, which was fine. I think us not speaking to each other today would be best.

"Alright y'all, let's get this rehearsal over with," I said to them.

"Damn, what's wrong with you?" Bryan asked.

"Nothing, I just want to be done. I'm ready to go home and relax. I've been out all day," I said as I made my way to my spot.

Patrick started the music and made his way to the floor along with the rest of my brothers. We got in our places and went in order from old songs to new songs.

Dustin's POV

2 hours later...

I was sitting across the room during break. I was tired from rehearsing, but being tired was the least of my worries. I was feeling a bit bad for how I treated Faith. I knew that this was a back and forth thing with us, but I had finally come to the conclusion that I just couldn't take it anymore. I hated that I had to walk around here and pretend that I was happy when I wasn't.

Like I've said before, it's not that I wasn't happy with her, but I would always think of what would've happened had I not fucked up my chances with Faith. I just really wished she would've forgiven me sooner so that we could've been together regardless of what happened. I just don't understand why she didn't love me anymore after that.

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