Chapter 11: Thoughts and Solutions

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Kelly's POV

"Whatchu wanna do baby?" I asked.

I watched as she wiped her eyes. She shrugged her shoulders in response.

"I just really wanna go home. I don't understand why she called me here if she was gonna do that shit," she said as she crossed her arms and looked away.

"I don't know either babe, but I promise you, I'm gonna find out. I'm not gonna let her disrespect you like that regardless of whether she's my mom or not," I reassured her.

She sighed. "Can we just go?"

"In a minute. I'm gonna have to go back up there and see about this meeting with Dr. Benson, that is, if it's still happening. Do you want to wait in the car?" I asked. I didn't want her to be by herself, but then again, I didn't want her to go back up there.

"I guess I can come back up. Dr. Benson did ask for me to come here....I just don't want to see or talk to your mother. Kelly, I swear to God, if she says anything else out of line to me or even looks at me funny-"

"Don't worry babe," I said as I wiped her face of the remaining tears. "Come on."

We made our way back in the hospital and back up to the floor that Dustin was on. As we approached his room, I saw my mom sitting outside his room, fuming. I thought Faith would've stopped and stared, but she didn't. Instead, she walked right into Dustin's room...with me right behind her.

At this moment, I didn't have anything to say to her, but I most likely would exchange words with her after this meeting was done.

Dr. Benson and my brothers were sitting down when Faith and I walked in.

"Dustin is your mom going to join us?" she asked.

"I doubt it. We can do this without her," he said.

Faith and I took a seat, and began the discussion with Dr. Benson.

"Alright, so I have officially diagnosed Dustin with depression, and I'm going to prescribe him some antidepressants. Now there has been some talk of Dustin going to rehab, as well as some type of tour that's suppose to happen in a few days. I think it's best if you guys postpone your tour so that Dustin can get the help that he needs," Dr. Benson explained.

"Dr. Benson, no disrespect, I'm all for Dustin getting help, but we've worked so hard and rehearsed back to back getting ready for this tour. We leave in a couple of days; there's no way that we can tell our fans that the tour is canceled. We have scheduled meet and greets and interviews. This tour has already been postponed and our manager wouldn't be happy," I explained to her.

"I understand that Kelly, but Dustin is emotionally and mentally unstable to be traveling," Dr. Benson replied.

"Um, I'm right here. Don't I get a say in this?" Dustin asked.

"Sure. Dustin, what do you have to say about this?" Dr. Benson replied.

"I know that I have issues that I need to fix and work on, but I really gotta work. I can't postpone this tour. Not only does that put me back, but that puts my brothers back as well, and I don't want to be responsible for that. I'm already responsible for other stuff," he said as he looked at me and Faith. "There has to be something that I can do. I really can't miss this tour. It's only for a few weeks."

The room was silent for a few moments before Dr. Benson looked over at me and Faith.

"Faith, can I talk to you for a second?" Dr. Benson asked.

"Um...sure," she said.

They got up and walked outside the room.

Faith's POV

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