Chapter 9: Cry For Help

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Kelly's POV

After she walked out, Dustin just went on a rampage. He was pissed off....actually he was way past pissed. None of us said anything or tried to calm him down; he just had to wait until the ambulance and police showed up. I still can't believe Faith wanted to press charges on him.

I was gonna do everything in my power to talk her out of it. I know how much she cares about Dustin...I just never imagined that she would go this far. I don't blame her for being upset, but pressing charges may have been a little much.

"I'm gonna go check on Faith to make sure she's okay," I said as I made my way out.

I walked downstairs and into the living room where I saw her laying on the couch icing her side.

"You alright?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Not really...I just want this night to be over. The police and ambulance need to hurry up and get here. I'm ready to go back home and go to bed," she said as she rubbed her temple with her free hand.

I walked over and sat next to her. I didn't know what else to say to her. I guess it was best not to say anything else, but we needed to talk about her pressing charges.

"Faith, don't you think it's a little much to press charges on Dustin?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't flip out on me.

"Nope," she said as looked away from me. "And don't think you're gonna talk me out of pressing charges Kelly because it's not happening. I'm tired of trying to mediate shit and always getting hurt in the process. I just want peace at this point...I don't want any of this anymore."

What did she mean by that?

The doorbell rung before I even had the chance to ask her.

"I'll get it, you stay here and ice your side," I said as I kissed her temple. I got up and walked over to the door and answered it. I lead the ambulance and police upstairs to Dustin's room, hoping Dustin wouldn't act out and would just go with them.

We reached Dustin's room, and Dustin immediately flipped out as soon as the ambulance workers tried to get him to the stretcher.

"Don't touch me, get away from me," he said as he began throwing things towards them.

"Dustin, stop it, don't fight them," my mom said.

Dustin tried so hard to fight them off and even tried to punch and kick them, but he wasn't successful. The police officers jumped in to help in order to hold him down, while one of the ambulance workers grabbed a needle from their medical bag. She uncapped it, and jabbed Dustin in the side with it.

"Get the fuck off of me," he said. "Get the fuck....get off....," he said as he started to calm down. Before I knew it, Dustin's eyes closed but he was still huffing and puffing as he was before.

They strapped Dustin in, and began making their way out of the room and down the steps. We followed them down the steps and out of the door to the ambulance.

We made it outside, and watched as they loaded Dustin into the ambulance. I was hoping Faith would stay in the house; I didn't want her talking to the cops.

But of course, she waltzed her ass outside and started making her way over to talk to the police officers.

I quickly grabbed her and pulled her to me. "Faith, don't."

"Kelly, let me go," she said.

" don't need to do that. It's unnecessary," I said.

"No it's not. What you need to do is get your hands off me," she said as she yanked herself away from me.

Can I Love You, Too (2)? a Dustin and Kelly FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now