Silver's Apartment (Ch. 2)

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Silver's pov

I couldn't help but to touch the cheek Gold planted a kiss on.. why did he even do that? He's the one who lost.. not me.
I rubbed the feeling of his kiss off of my cheek. What's wrong with this kid?
Just going around kissing people like  that.. disgusting.
I felt my phone buzz. Gold.

"Hehh, sorry for that but u looked cute"
I let out an annoyed sigh. I'm his next toy I see. He's such a brat.
I didn't reply to his text. Maybe I would later.
I walked to my apartment again.
Yes, I have my own apartment, unlike Gold.
That kid still lives with his mother.. poor lady. I would already have died if I had to see that brat everyday.
I stretched my body a bit and laid down on the couch.
looking around my apartment and smiling to myself.
My dark blue, slightly-ripped couch, black carpet, my cheap, second-hand tv. A fridge I got from one of my neighbours, a stove.. second-hand, but good quality.. it wasn't so luxury, but I was so glad I had a place all for myself, away from my father. I don't like him.
I never knew my family and I had no friends left.
So no one bothered me. Just how I liked it.
Well, that Gold kid did still bother me, but if i'll just ignore him, hopefully he'll find another human toy and leave me alone.

But oh, how wrong I was.
I still hadn't replied for two weeks in a row, but at the start of the third week, he began sending me messages like:

"Are you all okay? I'm really sorry if I upset you.."
"You didn't do something bad did you?"
"Silver, i'm so sorry.. please don't be too mad at me..."

What is he trying to do? Let him go to one of his girlfriends which he probably has dozens of.
A few more days passed, with constant messages from Gold. God, he was so annoying.
But, at the start of the fourth week, he called me. I just took up hoping he'll stop bothering me after.

"S-Silver" he was sobbing noticeably. Ew.
"I-I'm so sorry, please forgive me.. i'll make up with you.. i'm in front of your door.. just please let me in.. i-i'm so sorry"

I growled a little, looking outside.. it was storming, with Autumn leaves going everywhere. Why did I even give him my address?
"Fine" I snapped. Because how annoying he might be, I didn't want him to get sick.
I opened my front door, '"i'm s-so sorry!" He stuttered, and stared into my eyes a little too long..
"It's fine, I wasn't even mad.. now stop staring"
He quickly looked at his feet.
"I thought you were really mad at me"
I slightly laughed at him.
"no, kid. I just didn't feel like replying."
He shifted his foot a little and asked
"Can I come in? I-I'm wet and cold.. it's raining.."
"No" I said, and slammed the door, waiting a few seconds hoping he'd go away.
But of course he didn't. Instead,  he started to whine loudly and knocked the door softly.
"Silver, please" he dragged childishly.
I opened the door
"Can you shut up?"
"Only if you let me in" he said with puppy eyes. Cute.
"Fine" a giggle escaped my lips.
"That was adorable" he said and walked into my living room, smiling.
I looked awkwardly at him.. my liviing room only had the crappy tv and  the ripped couch in it..
"Could I, uh.. use the shower?" He asked.
Why would that brat wanna use my shower? I let out an annoyed sigh. "No"
He hugged me and started to whine. "Silver please" he dragged, again, while almost squishing my bones.
"Fine" I sighed, but just to get him off of me.
He smiled thankfully at me and nodded. I just growled a little.
I sat down on my couch with a book.. I don't even know what it's about, vaguely about some female that falls in love with a male. And the male sparkled in the sun.
A flash of Gold's sparkling eyes crossed my mind, so beautiful and innocent.. 

(Your eyes are the ugliest thing about you! That's why you can't see anything important! He yelled while throwing me against a wall)

I shook my head. I shouldn't think  about that. I tried to focus on my book again.. to no avail, because I felt Gold breathing in my neck.. when did he get here?
"Silver, are you okay? I heard you sob.."
Damn, this brat got on my nerves, invading my personal space like that.
"Shut up" I snapped, and tried to push him out of my apartment. "You're done showering so you can go" I said angrily.
Gold stribbled against "i'm sorry I didn't know it'd upse-"
He couldn't finish his sentence, I already slammed the door shut.

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