Crystal's pov (ch. 15)

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I frustratedly tried to tie my hair.
To no avail.
Ugh, Gold is so immensely attracted to that senseless dick Silver.

I don't understand.
He's cold, an asshole, doesn't respect anyone, lives alone, poor self care, is poor. And his body isn't all that spectacular either. What could be so good about him?

Gold needs to find a guy who's better than Silver.

My phone rang, it was Gold so I  instantly answered the call.

I heard that he was sobbing.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Silver - he's totally gone! His apartment is for sale, he quit his job and.. and I don't know what to do"

He began to cry louder.
"What if something's happened to him?"

I tried my best to not sound annoyed.
"He's probably on a vacation"

"He barely has money, and why would he quit his job then?"

I sighed. This guy.

"All right, where are you? I'll come"

He told me where he was and soon enough I got to him.

Gold swiftly pulled me in a tight hug.
"I'm scared, Crys"

He walked into Silver's home.
"Everything's gone, not even his books are left"

"He could've just moved"

Gold tried to call Silver. But as expected, no answer.

I told him we should go home and just wait.

But he got moody and told me that I 'don't understand nothing'

"I understand you, but all you talk about for like, the past two years is Silver. You barely acknowledge my existence" I snapped.

"Crystal please, i'm sorry. But Silver is missing, he'd never leave his books or job behind"

"Whatever the fuck, he doesn't even like you!" I yelled. I shouldn't even have done that though.

"H-how can you say that"  he said.
"I know I may care too much, but you never cared for me, only when you could talk about guys. Do you even like me for me?"

I just rolled my eyes and went away.

How could he even think that?
Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh on him... but he has to face once that Silver doesn't deserve him, in the hard or the good way.

Ok sorry this came so late. Also special thanks to my mom for encouraging me lmao.

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