Gold's Mom (Ch. 3)

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Gold's pov

I felt my body shaking.
He.. did he just really kick me out like that? What? I only showed care towards him. Huh, guess he's in a bad mood..
I stood up and sweeped some dirt off my clothes.
Well, I did have to go home soon because I can't walk in these dirty clothes all day, so it's not that bad..
I made attempts to walk home, but I simply couldn't, I kept walking back to his apartment, I was worried. But, to my happiness, at a certain moment, Silver walked out of his apartment.
"Gold, what are you still doing here? Its been an hour" he said, visibly rolling his eyes.
An hour? No, that can't be..
"I-uh, where are you going?" I asked back.
"My job, but why would you even care, you brat" he snapped.
I stared at my feet again.
That hurts me.. it really does. But I still decided to ask more.

"I don't know.." I paused. "where do you work?"
"Grocery store" he said, and walked away while ignoring me.
I couldn't help but to smirk a little.. One day, I'll wait for him at his house when he gets back.. watch me.
I walked home again.
"Gold!" My mom yelled a little worried as soon as I set a foot in the house.
"Are you sick?!
"Why did you go outside in the rain like that?!" She came closer and touched my forehead.
"Did you shower? Where?"
I smiled.
"I was at a friend, but he had to go to his job, don't worry mom"
She clacked her tongue, said I should tell her next time and told me to sit down at the table so she could make tea.

I did what she said. And after she made tea for us, the questions came.
"Who's this friend of yours? Is he hot? Is he a nice guy? What's his name?"
I had a slight blush on my cheeks when she asked "is he hot?".. he sure was hot.
"It's Silver" I replied
She looked at me unbelievably, but did smile. "Silver? Are you still not over him?"
I shook my head, barely noticeable.
"You really gotta develop a better taste in guys" she said. "Silver is just a dick"
I giggled "shh, he's hot as hell" and tried not to blush.

My mom started to giggle too. "He's good-looking, yeah, but not nice"
I looked at her.
"He is, you just have to get to know him" I said, but I didn't really believe it myself..
She tapped my nose and smirked. "What nice things has he done for you?"
I bit my lip in slight frustration.
"He let me use his shower"
Which made her laugh.
"Woah Gold, that's really spectacular"
"I just love him, okay?" I snapped.
oddly, she smiled.
"I knew that, but be careful around him okay?"
I took the last sip of my tea. "Of course mom"
She told me to put on clean clothes.

I walked upstairs and read Silver's new text messages.
"Did you come home safe?" That single message was so unlike him..
"No nevermind i'm not even wondering"
he had sent right after. That was Silver.

I smiled and blushed a little.. so he did care about me somewhat. I quickly sent something back
"Yes, I did. Thanks"
He  didn't read it yet, but he must be busy with his job.
I smiled and picked up the magazines I kicked away earlier.
After I put on some clean clothes, I laid down on my bed, still smiling because Silver showed care towards me..
I closed my eyes and took his appearance into me once again.

Fiery, red hair.. his collection of black t-shirts.. dark blue jeans.. sometimes ripped,  gorgeous, metallic silver eyes.. kissable lips..

I sighed. I just love him so much..
"Gold, are you done?" My mom yelled.
"Yeah, yeah" I said, and walked downstairs.
"You seem so happy?"
She said in a cheery voice.
"Yes.. I have to go" I quickly said and walked outside.
I have to do something nice for Silver..

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