Museum (Ch. 4)

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Silver's pov

I finally returned home after my day of working.
But I saw Gold impatiently waiting for me.
when he saw me, he quickly ran to me.. ugh.
But, with the same, sparkling eyes he had everytime he saw me..
He grabbed my hand.
"Let's go somewhere"

"Gold, i'm tired as hell" I tried to escape from his grip, but he already started to drag me somewhere.
"Gold, let go of me!"

But he didn't. Until we were at something that looked like a museum.
"Why did you take me here?"
I love art.. but why? I'm tired.

He giggled a little.
"See it as a date"

"That's gay." I scoffed. what was he thinking? Dragging me around like that.. the nerve.

He grabbed my hand.
"Silver, we could go to the silverware aisle. that'll match your name, and your beautiful eyes too!"

I pulled my hand back and walked away.
Half-expecting Gold to run after me, so I looked at him.
But he didn't.
Instead he yelled
"Fine!" And walked in the other direction.

Did I make him mad? I shook my head.
I don't even care, now I finally can go home.

I walked straight to my bathroom and started to brush my heavily tousled hair.
I don't need anyone, especially not Gold.
I stared in the mirror for a few minutes.
He must be glad that I don't wanna hang out with him.. who would wanna be seen with me?
"Silver; Giovanni's son"
I gritted my teeth. I hate him, I hate my father so much.
That's one of the reasons Gold must be glad.
The other reason is that i'm ugly and poor.

I kept repeating
"I've never needed anyone, so why would I now?" To the mirror.. like some freak.
I strengthened my grip on the sink.

But why do I feel so weak and upset?

I shook my head and got my dinner for the day.. an apple.
At least I won't get fat like this, that'll ruin my appearance more then it already is.
I got my book, trying to focus on it..
But somehow I kept thinking about Gold.
His sparkling, Golden eyes.. the fact that he always seemed happy.. his black hair.. his stupid cap that he wore backside front.. his never-ending neon shoe laces..
I caught myself smiling.

Wait, I just got into a fight with him.. I shouldn't even think about him in the first place.
I looked at my phone.
No messages.. usually, Gold would've already sent me a few..

Why am I so upset about this

I just shrugged it off, called it a day, and went to bed.
As I drifted off to sleep, I thought about my past.

My father was neglecting me, once again. The only time he needed me, was when I had to do one of his dirty jobs.
"Can you listen to me?! I yelled in desperation.
"Shut up Silver, I don't need to hear your shitty voice"
I cried out. "But Growlithe is dead sick!"
"I don't care about that weak thing"
He snapped, and threw a book at me.
Luckily I could avoid it..

I rolled to my other side.. I don't wanna relive my past.. so I guess that's no sleep for tonight once again.
I was staring at the ceiling..
I missed Gold already.. I really did.. there's no denying it.
I looked at my phone which laid on the floor.. I didn't have a desk..
Should I call him?
I shook my head.
No, that's silly.
He doesn't wanna talk to me..

I'm sorry, this one is a little short.. thank you all so much for supporting this thing though!

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