Crystal (Ch. 5)

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I'm sick. I'm sick of him. I've lost all of my patience.
I called Crystal, my best friend since fourth grade.

"Yeah?" She was sounding worried. "Are you okay? You never really call me"
I took a deep breath.
"Listen, Silver is always looking down on me, walking away from me, treating me like wrap, and i'm sick of it. I need some time off from him"

Crystal giggled a little
"I told you he's an ass. Meet me in the park"

I said that it was okay and went to the park.
I can easily get someone better than Silver.. someone who appreciates my presence.

But he won't be as hot as Silver, or as passionate about art.

I shrugged that off. He clearly isn't interested in me.

I saw Crystal leaning against a tree.
"Gold" she yelled and ran up to me. "I have a plan, you sign up for internet dating and I'll be on the lookouts!"
She got her phone and told me to sign up.

"That'll be fun.. thanks, Crystal"
She giggled "now now, let's go sit down and scroll through some profiless."
I did, and looked at a few profiles and their descriptions.
I saw a few girls.. Shirley, Monique.. Alison.. but I don't like girls.
"Crystal.. how do I get it to only show guys?"
She giggled a little and fixed it for me.
I looked at a few guys and tapped the ones who interested me.

"Red. Kanto champion.. I like blue. Obviously the color. Gay. I don't talk a lot."
Hm, that'll be boring to date.

"Gladion. Blonde hair, black clothes. I kinda live on my own. Bi."

I nudged Crystal. "Look, this guy is hot"
She giggled. "Kinda sounds like Silver doesn't he"
I shook my head. "Nevermind this internet dating.."

She was pouting a little.
"Remember when you still thought you were straight and I had a crush on you?"

I had to smile.
"Yeah, that was silly"

She tilted her head a little.
"It still bothers you, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I can't stop loving Silver just like that.. I'm deeply in love and I don't understand why he treats me like he does"
She giggled and ruffled my hair
"Because he's an ass"

It was storming.. Silver and I were lost in the woods because he ran away and I had to chase him once again.
"Gold? Are you okay? you're not sick are you?" He said, despite having a sore throat and shaking because he was so cold.. he clearly had a fever.
"Yeah, we have to look how to get out of here..."
Suddenly, Silver pulled me close to him, which made me flush red.. luckily he didn't see that.
He laid his head on my shoulder.
"I-I'm so sorry, Gold.. this is all my fault"
Then, he wrapped his arms around my middle.
"I'm sorry for-"
I giggled quietly and shushed him
"It's okay Silver, I don't hate you"
"Y-you don't?"
Damn, I love soft Silver..
I smiled in adoration.
"Of course not"

"One problem, he can be sweet"
She just shook her head.
"Let's at least walk in the mall to check out guys, it's been a long time"

I giggled. "Crystal you're thirsty"
She laughed

I kept thinking if I've been too hard on Silver.. He's a sensitive guy even if he doesn't seem like it at first..

"Come on, let's get going" she yelled, and dragged me.

It was just like when we were fresh in our teens, she dragged me into every shop, got me to try on every single stereotypical gay shirt, made me rate all the outfits she tried on, and oddly didn't allow me to buy anything.
After a busy day of shopping,
I was laughing with her at her ex boyfriends and how she disliked them.

Until, we heard a barely hearable
"Oh my god" behind us.
I turned around, Crystal's face looked angry, and his face seemed worried, scared and slightly jealous at the same time..

A/N: thank you all so much for supporting this story.. your sweet and supporting actions are making me cry, in the good way of course.. I don't know how to thank you guys omg.

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